police.gov.sg Apply For Secondhand Goods Dealers Licence Singapore

Organization : Singapore Police Force
Facility : Apply For Secondhand Goods Dealers Licence
Applicable For : Aged Drivers
Country : Singapore
Website : https://www.police.gov.sg/e-Services/Police-Licences/Secondhand-Goods-Dealers-Licence

How To Apply For Secondhand Goods Dealers Licence?

The information on this page is a guide to apply for a new licence, to register for exemption or to renew an existing licence.

Criteria for Grant of Licence

To be eligible for a Secondhand Goods Dealer licence, you must be registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority as one of the following business stakeholders

** Director of a Company
** Partner in a Partnerships, Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Partnerships
** Sole Proprietor in Sole Proprietorships

Types of Secondhand Goods Dealers Licence

Licence Type Validity Fees*
Ordinary licence One year $165
Temporary licence
  • for road shows, makeshift stalls or “pasar malams
30 days at a specific site $40

*Fees are to be paid using NETS only at the Police Licensing & Regulatory Department’s payment counter.

If you wish to apply for a new/renew your current Secondhand Goods Dealer’s Licence, or wish to apply for an exempted Secondhand Goods Dealer’s Licence, Please visit the following link.

Apply Online : http://go.gov.sg/applyshgdlicence

Documents Required

You are required to obtain the following documents before applying for any Secondhand Goods Dealer licence.

Documents Remarks
Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority record For operating entity stated as ‘Business’ under the Business Registration Act
Approved IMDA Licence To deal in secondhand telecommunications equipment
URA Planning Permission Approval for premises to be used for scrap metal business
Photocopy of the existing Secondhand Goods Dealer licence* You should submit your renewal application at least one month before the expiry date of your existing licence.

Multiple Operation Locations

For business operations that comprise
** Several branches
** URLs for internet-businesses; or
** Different points of dealing in secondhand goods (for itinerant businesses)

Related Post

A separate licence is required for each branch, URL or point of dealing.

Sunk Investment

Sunk investments will not be regarded as grounds for either an exemption or approval of licence. Hence, you should not make any financial commitment to your business if an exemption or licence has yet been granted.

Processing Time

About 14 working days from the receipt of the application and the necessary supporting documents, if required. Any incomplete or incorrect submission will be rejected.

You will be notified of the outcome via SMS, email and post.

FAQ On Secondhand Goods Dealers Licence

1. Can I operate my secondhand goods business from my residential address?
You are not allowed to operate a secondhand dealer goods business from your residential address unless you have obtained the approval of the relevant authorities such as URA and HDB.

2. Can I use my approved licence to transact secondhand goods in my other outlets?
Each Secondhand Goods Dealer licence is only approved for the specific outlet indicated on the application.

You are required to submit a new application if you are applying for a Secondhand Goods Dealer licence for an additional place of transaction.

The registration will be based on the location where the dealing in secondhand goods takes place. Therefore, if your business operations comprise several branches or Uniform Resource Locators (URLs for internet dealing) or different points of dealing in secondhand goods (for itinerant businesses), each branch, URL or point of dealing will require a separate registration.

3. Do I have to inform the Police if there are any changes to my Secondhand Goods Dealer business particulars?
Dealers are obliged to inform the Police Licensing and Regulatory Department within seven days of any change in any information that is captured on the licence (this includes but is not limited to changes to the type of scheduled goods that a licensee is dealing in) or termination of their business.

For any new appointment to its board of directors, management committee, board of trustees or other governing body, approval from the Police Licensing and Regulatory Department must be sought.

Failure to do so is an offence under the Secondhand Goods Dealer Act.

Categories: Singapore
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