dha.gov.ae Isolation Clearance Certificate : Dubai Health Authority

Organization : Dubai Health Authority
Facility Name : Isolation Clearance Certificate
Country : Dubai
Website : https://www.dha.gov.ae/en/Covid19/Pages/CovidClearance.aspx

DHA Isolation Clearance Certificate

A certificate issued for the Covid-19 patients who has successfully completed their isolation period.

Related / Similar Service : DHA Quarantine Certificate Validation

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Isolation Clearance Certificate

Steps :
Step 1 : Visit the official website of Dubai Health Authority through provided above.
Step 2 : Next, Answer the following questions

** Have you completed your isolation period (10 days from the first positive PCR test)?
** Do you have fever or moderate symptoms?

Step 3 : After that, In order to generate your certificate, it is mandatory to enter any one of the fields.

** Enter Your MRN Number
** Enter Your Emirates ID
** Enter Your Passport Number

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Step 4 : Finally click on “Submit” button to obtain the Isolation Clearance Certificate.


1. How long is the isolation period for COVID-19?
A person who is infected with COVID-19 will remain in isolation (home or facility).The isolation period for a confirmed COVID-19 case is 10 days. The isolation ends after completing the 10 days with improvement in symptoms and no fever for 3 consecutive days at least, without any fever reduction medication.

2. When does the isolation period end?
After completing 10 days from the date of taking the PCR test. When the symptoms, if any, subside. The patient has no symptoms or fever by the 10th day, (without fever reducing medication) for a minimum of 3 consecutive days.

3. When is COVID-19 considered to be infectious?
Scientific studies have shown that COVID-19 is most contagious to others in the first 10 days of the infection and the risk rapidly declines by the end of the first 7 to 10 days of the infection.

Therefore it is important to remain in isolation for 10 days to avoid spreading the infection and to ensure the health and safety of others. Scientific studies have also shown that the virus was not found to be active or infectious, after the 10 days of infection, even if the person tested positive in a PCR test.

4. Does the patient have to have a negative PCR test to end their isolation?
A negative PCR test is not required to end isolation. The criteria for ending isolation is completing 10 days of isolation with improved symptoms and no fever for at least 3 days with no fever reduction medications.

5. Can I practice my normal life after leaving the isolation with a positive examination result or will I be fined?
A positive test result after finishing the isolation period does not cause fines and the person can resume normal life and work normally. However, you must ensure to follow the precautionary measures announced by the concerned authorities, which include wearing face masks and maintaining physical distance of 2m to avoid fines.

6. Can I get a clearance certificate?
Yes, you can get a clearance certificate after completing the isolation period by calling 800 342 or through the COVID-19 DXB smart app.

Tags: dha.gov.ae
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