Claim Vocational Rehabilitation Israel

Organisation : Government of Israel
Facility Name : Claim Vocational Rehabilitation
Country : Israel
Website :

Claim Vocational Rehabilitation Israel

Use this service if you have become disabled due to illness or injury, to claim vocational rehabilitation from the National Insurance Institute (NII).

Related / Similar Service : Claim Unemployment Benefit Israel

Who Can Make a Claim?

** People with disabilities, before retirement age, who have received a permanent medical disability status of at least 20% by a medical committee.
** People with disabilities who cannot return to their job or work in another position suitable to their education and training, as a result of their disability.

** People with disabilities who are suitable and able to participate in vocational rehabilitation, and re-integrate into the job market.
** People who require professional training in order to re-integrate into the job market.

What You Need?

** Your educational certificates and diplomas.
** Documents regarding professional training you have particiapted in.
** Documents regarding your professional experience.
** Documents confirming your medical diagnoses.

How To Apply?

Fill in and submit the Vocational rehabilitation claim form online. You can also print the form and submit it together with the required documents by post, fax, in person, or by using the National Insurance Institute online document service to your local National Insurance Institute rehabilitation department.

Notes :
** In addition to the vocational rehabilitation, you will receive rehabilitation pay, and be paid tuition fees, materials and equipment costs, tutoring costs, travel and board, and support and accessibility services.

Related Post

** The vocational rehabilitation pay will be paid for a period of up to 12 months from the date of submitting the claim.
** This service and forms are provided in Hebrew. If you don’t speak Hebrew seeking assistance from a Hebrew speaker is recommended.

National Information Center :
Dial from a landline: *6050
Technical support center 04-8812345

Operating hours :
Sunday to Thursday, from 8am to 5pm

Government Central Support Center
For help and assistance contact the Government Central Support Center
Sunday to Thursday, from 8am to 7pm
Tel: 1299

Child Allowance & Education Grant

Parents of more than one child, who are divorced can use this service to separate the child allowance in cases when some of the children live with the mother and some live with the father.

What You Need?
You must provide a divorce contract or court order indicating the details of each parent who has custody of the children. The service is free of charge.

How to Apply?
Fill in the Request to separate child allowance and education grant file, attach the required documents and submit them online.

You can also print and fill in the form, attach the required documents and submit them by fax, post or in person to a National Insurance Institute office.

Guidelines for uploading documents :
** When attaching more than one document, try to reduce the size.
** Maximum upload size per document: 500KB.
** Maximum combined upload size of all the attached documents: 10MB.
** Scanned documents should be in black and white. Maximum resolution: 300DPI.

Note :
This service and forms are provided in Hebrew. If you don’t speak Hebrew seeking assistance from a Hebrew speaker is recommended.

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