Apply to Cancel a Coronavirus Fine Israel

Organisation : Government of Israel
Facility Name : Apply to Cancel a Coronavirus Fine
Country : Israel
Website :

Apply to Cancel a Coronavirus Fine Israel

Here you can apply to cancel a fine, or a request a hearing to appeal a fine given for violating the coronavirus public health order (emergency regulations).

Related / Similar Service : Israel Employees National & Health Insurance Payments

** You can apply to cancel a fine or request a hearing within 30 days of receiving the fine
** You can’t apply to cancel a fine and request a hearing at the same time

** If your application to cancel a fine has been rejected, you can apply for a hearing within 30 days of the rejection
** If, for reasons out of your control you can’t apply within 30 days, you can apply later

How To Apply?

Enter the online application and

Step 1 : fill out the fine number (without hyphens “-“)
Step 2 : select ‘cancel a fine’ or ‘request a hearing’
Step 3 : explain the reasons for your application

Step 4 : attach
i. a copy of the fine
ii. a copy of your ID with your signature
Step 5 : submit online

Note :
** You’ll still need to pay the fine if your application hasn’t been accepted before the final date to pay.
** Delivery by registered mail constitutes proof of delivery.

What is the Public Health Order?

The Public Health Ordinance regulates the public health system. Section 20 of the Ordinance stipulates that the Ministry of Health Director General is authorized to install in the order any necessary means to prevent the spread of disease if there is risk of an epidemic.

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The Novel Coronavirus public health order came into effect on 2 February 2020 and is updated frequently.

The order includes
Duty of self isolation :
** Anyone found positive for coronavirus must self isolate according to doctor’s instructions

** You must self isolate for 14 days if
** You’ve entered Israel as of 9 March 2020 (not including from Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip)

** you’ve been in close contact with a verified coronavirus. Close contact is defined as
i. exposure in a medical institution to the patient
ii. working next to the patient
iii. traveling with seated less than 2 seats from a patient on any form of transport

iv. anyone living with a patient
v. any close contact with a patient that might raise the risk of infection
vi. your doctor has instructed you to self isolate

Fine for failure to self isolate when required – ILS 5,000

Duty to report :
You must report self isolation to the Ministry of Health. The report must include
** place of residence
** date of arrival in Israel or date of last contact with a patient
** the period of isolation

Fine for failure to report self isolation – ILS 3,000 and an additional ILS 600 for each day until reporting

Prohibition of international gatherings & gatherings :
International gatherings in Israel are currently prohibited.
Gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited in a single room (hall), including

** restaurants
** places of worship
** cinemas
** event, performance, lecture halls,
** a designated areas that is not a building and prohibited for gatherings

Fine for refusing an order to disperse from a gathering given by a police officer – ILS 3,000. These provisions do not apply to the Knesset of Israel, and the courts.

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