COVID-19 Recovery Grant 2021 Singapore : Social & Family Development

Organization : Ministry Of Social & Family Development
Facility Name : COVID-19 Recovery Grant 2021
Applicable For : Workers in lower- to middle-income households
Country : Singapore
Last Date : 31.12.2021
Website :

MSF COVID-19 Recovery Grant Singapore

The COVID-19 Recovery Grant (CRG) provides temporary financial support to workers in lower- to middle-income households who are presently experiencing involuntary job loss, involuntary no-pay leave (NPL) or income loss due to the economic impact of COVID-19.

Related / Similar Facility : MOH Singapore Booster Vaccination Programme

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants should fulfil the following criteria

Employees SEPs
Age 21 years old and above
Citizenship Singapore Citizens (SCs) and Permanent Residents (PRs)
Annual Value (AV) of Property Living in a property with AV not more than $21,000. Applicant should not own more than one property.
Prior household income Prior to job or income loss or involuntary NPL, gross household income of not more than $7,800 or gross per capita household income of not more than $2,600.
Economically active Employees should have worked for at least six months cumulatively between January 2019 and December 2020. SEPs should have declared* annual net trade income (NTI) in either 2019 or 2020.

Additionally, SEPs should provide supporting documents on their line of work.

[For CRG renewal] Applicants# should have currently no outstanding Medisave contributions or be committed to making contributions via a GIRO plan.

*SEPs may retroactively declare their NTI in past years to IRAS via if they had received a Form B from IRAS. IF they did not receive a Form B from IRAS, they may declare their NTI to CPF Board at

# To ensure that they continue to play a role in saving for their healthcare needs, all applicants, including present employees who were previously SEPS, should have no outstanding Medisave contributions to qualify for a renewal of assistance. Applicants may visit to check their outstanding MediSave contributions and make payment arrangements.

Job / Income loss Full-time or part-time employee affected by the economic impact of COVID-19:
  • Presently involuntarily unemployed (due to retrenchment/contract termination);
  • Presently on involuntary NPL for a period of at least three consecutive months (e.g. Jan – Mar 2021); or
  • Presently experiencing salary loss for at least three consecutive months, with an average overall loss of at least 50% from all jobs as a part-time or full-time employee (e.g. Jan – Mar 2021)

Job loss/NPL/salary loss must have taken place after 23 Jan 2020, when the first case of COVID-19 was detected in Singapore

Presently experiencing loss in net trade income (NTI) for at least three consecutive months, with an average loss of at least 50% over the three month period, compared to their average monthly NTI in 2019 or 2020.

NTI loss must have taken place after 23 Jan 2020, when the first case of COVID-19 was detected in Singapore

Job search or training requirement Applicants must have actively participated in job search or training, and show proof of any of the following activities in the two months prior to application:
  • Submitted at least two applications via Government-linked touchpoints (e.g. MyCareersFuture portal, the Professional Conversion Programme portal) for jobs, traineeships, or attachments; or
  • Attended at least two job interviews; or
  • Registered with WSG’s Careers Connect, WSG-appointed Career Matching Providers (Ingeus or MAXIMUS) or NTUC-e2i Career Centres for career coaching and have commenced the coaching session(s); or
  • Applied for at least one training programme listed on MySkillsFuture (MySF) portal.

Notes :

Related Post
  • In lieu of the job search or training requirement, SEPs may also submit supporting evidence of two attempts to improve their business revenue or reach out to new clients/business opportunities, as proof of job search.
  • Employees who are facing salary loss or are on involuntary NPL will be exempted from this requirement.
Exclusion Criteria Applicants should not be concurrently receiving support from any of the following Government schemes when applying for the CRG:
  • Seafarers Relief Package;
  • COVID-19 Driver Relief Fund;
  • SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme – Company Training; or
  • SGUnited Skills Programme

Recipients of ComCare Short-to-Medium Term Assistance or Long-Term Assistance may apply for the CRG when receiving their last month of ComCare payouts. If approved, their CRG grants will commence only after the cessation of their ComCare payouts.

Applicants who are Full-time National Servicemen at the point of application are not eligible.

How to Apply?

Applications are open 24/7 from 18 January 2021 – 31 December 2021 (including weekends and public holidays).

Apply Online :

Assistance Provided

The financial support provided by CRG will be as follows
Up to $700 per month for three months to employees who at the point of application are

** Unemployed due to retrenchment or involuntary contract termination; or
** Placed on involuntary no-pay leave (NPL) for at least three consecutive months.

Up to $500 per month for three months to :
** Employees who are facing salary loss for at least three consecutive months, with an average overall loss of at least 50% at the point of application; and

** SEPs who are facing a loss in their net trade income (NTI) for at least three cosecutive months, with an average loss of at least 50% at the point of application, compared to their average monthly NTI in 2019 or 2020.

The job loss, involuntary NPL, or income loss should have occurred after 23 January 2020, when the first case of COVID-19 was detected in Singapore.

Assistance will be credited directly into the successful applicant’s bank account every month for three months, following approval.


Those who need help filling in the online application form can call the ComCare Call hotline (1800-222-0000) or email ask_sso [AT] for assistance. Those who are not able to apply online can visit their nearest Social Service Office ( for assistance.

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