Opening a Driving Licence File Abu Dhabi : General Directorate of Police

Name of the Organization : General Directorate of Abu Dhabi Police
Type of Facility : Opening a Driving Licence File
Location : Abu Dhabi
Country : United Arab Emirates
Website : https://www.abudhabi.ae/portal/public/en/citizens/vehicle_and_transport/driving_services/service38?docName=ADEGP_DF_337762_EN&_adf.ctrl-state=60ofpnsci_4&_afrLoop=6468323528877515

Abu Dhabi Opening a Driving Licence File

Through this service, individuals can open a file at the Drivers Licensing Department for attending theoretical and practical lessons in order to obtain a driving licence.

Related : General Directorate of Police Abu Dhabi Internal Practical Training : www.statusin.org/6089.html

Process Description

Please follow the steps below:
** Submit the application and the required documents at the customer services centres of the Drivers Licensing Department.
** Pay the fees and get the receipt.
** Receive the trainee card from the customer services centres of the Drivers Licensing Department.

Required Documents

UAE Nationals:
Passport or Emirates ID Should be valid Copy
Family book Copy
Personal photo 1 photo
Eye test Original
No objection certificate from the guardian for the ladies who are in the family book of their fathers or husbands or those who are under the age of 21 Original

GCC Nationals:
Passport or Emirates ID Should be valid Copy
Family book Copy
Personal photo 1 photo
Eye test Original
No objection certificate from the guardian for the ladies who are in the family book of their fathers or husbands or those who are under the age of 21 Original

Passport or Emirates ID Should be valid Copy
Residency visa Should be valid mCopy
Eye test Original
Personal photo 1 photo
Letter from the employer (in case of general sponsorship such as Government Entities and companies) Original

Related Post

Opening a driving licence file 100
Eye test 25

Special Conditions:
Personal attendance of the applicant.
Personal attendance of the the sponsor in case of special sponsorship for expatriates.

Service Access:
Phone: 600 577777
Customer Service: Customer service centres of Drivers Licensing Department

Working Hours:
Public service hours:
Sunday – Thursday 7:30 AM – 8:00 PM

Phone enquiry hours:
Sunday – Thursday 7:30 AM – 8:00 PM


If I use my Emirates ID Card, is my data vulnerable to theft or security threats?
The information from your ID Card is securely transmitted to the Abu Dhabi eGovernment Gateway, so there is no reason to worry about the security threats. Also, the PIN code for your ID card is never saved, transmitted, or compromised. For further information, you can refer to our Privacy Policy.

Is there a help desk?
Yes, if you experience technical or content-related difficulties with the Abu Dhabi eGovernment Gateway, the Abu Dhabi Government Contact Centre will assist you. You can send an email to contact [AT] abudhabi.ae, or call 800 555.

My Emirates ID Card has been blocked. How do I get it unblocked?
If you receive a message during the registration process that your card is blocked, you will need to get it unblocked before proceeding any further.

Usually, your Emirates ID Card gets blocked after three unsuccessful consecutive attempts to enter your PIN code. To unblock your card, you must visit an Emirates Identity Authority Service Centre. More information is available at the Emirates Identity Authority.

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