Transfer Ownership / Relinquishment : Ajman Free Zone

Name of the Organization : Ajman Free Zone
Type of Facility : Transfer Ownership / Relinquishment
Location : Ajman
Applicable Country : United Arab Emirates

Website : https://www.afz.ae/

Transfer Ownership / Relinquishment :

Selling some or 100% of the company shares to another owner.

Related : Ajman Free Zone Request For License Cancellation : www.statusin.org/6177.html

Required Documents:
** Request letter from the company
** Appointment letter for the new Manager
** Passport copy of the new owner
** 1 Photograph of the new owner
** Original license
** Original Chamber of commerce and registration.
** New partnership agreements (for companies only)
** Old partnership agreements (for companies only)
** Old lease agreement (if required)
** Original establishment card
** The guarantee for this procedure is the original passport (of the owner or any relative) or a manager cheque from bank with amount of 185,000 DHS
** The advertisement period is for 17 days from the time of submission.

Related Post

License Amendment Dh. 500
Advertising Dh. 500
Partnership(* ) Dh. 1000
(* )Depend on the capital of the company

** Previous and new owner must be physically present while applying the above procedure.
** Previous owner visa must be cancelled only if it’s under AFZA sponsor (after the advertisement period).
** Previous owner can change his profession/Transfer his visa to another company in side the free zone only if he wish to stay under AFZA sponsor
** Please note that the passport must be valid for more than 6 months.
** Authorization letter must be submitted in case the owner authorizes a person to sign/apply on his behalf in his absence.
** In the country: an authority letter attested from:
** Any court in UAE.
** Out of county: an authority letter attested from:
** UAE embassy in the foreign country
** Ministry of foreign affairs in the UAE
** Partnership fee might be changed depend on the capital of the company.
** All the old copies of the partnership agreement must be submitted back to AFZA in case changing the legal status of the license.
** Police report must be submitted in case losing any copy or the whole copies of the old partnership agreement.
** Please note that the advertisement security guarantee wont be given back to the owner until the clearance of any pending cased under the company
** Please note that the establishment card must be modified

About Us :
Ajman Free Zone (AFZ) was established in 1988, leading to massive industrial development in Ajman by attracting a great number of companies to benefit from the investment privileges, thereby strengthening industry and trade and the financial sector in the UAE.

AFZ provides competitive privileges and facilities allowing companies to get a considerable return on their investment. AFZ continues to develop its infrastructure, spending millions of Dirhams along its free zone area of more than one million square meters.

Contact Us :
Ajman Free Zone Office – Cyprus
Nicosia: 75 Prodromou Avenue ,
Oneworld House, PO Box 25207,
Nicosia 1307
Phone: +971 6 7011555
Fax: +971 6 7429222

Tags: afza.gov.ae
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