Ajman Free Zone : Establishment Registration Card & ID Card Replacement

Name of the Organization : Ajman Free Zone
Type of Facility : Establishment Registration Card & ID Card Replacement
Location : Ajman
Country : United Arab Emirates
Website : https://www.afz.ae/

What is AFZ Establishment Registration Card?

AFZ Establishment Registration Card is a card to allow immigration to accept any application form the company.

Related / Similar Facility : Ajman Free Zone Request For License Renewal

Required Documents:

** Online Request form stamped & signed by authorized Owner / Partners
** License copy valid at least for 1 month
** Passport Copies of Shareholders
** Original Establishment Card ( in case of renewal)


Fees Type Fees
Establishment Registration Card Dh. 500

** It’s a compulsory for all the companies to apply for the establishment card before or while applying for any visa application in order to accept your request in the immigration.
** The establishment registration card must be annually renewed the owner

ID Card Replacement:
A request to issue a new ID card after losing it.

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Required Documents :
** Online Request form stamped & signed by authorized Owner / Partners
** 2 photographs with white background
** Passport copy with visa page
** Police report
** Valid Trade License copy
** Valid Establishment Card copy

ID Card replacement Dh. 300

Contact Us:
Phone: +971 6 7011555
Fax: +971 6 7429222

FAQ On Ajman Free Zone

What are Special Advantages Granted to New Investors in the Free Zone ?
The Ajman Free Zone offers tremendous opportunities and benefits to investors, allowing 100% foreign ownership free of all types of taxes, issues commercial licenses within 24 hours, and investors can work from their offices 24 hours a day without any complications or security measures

What are the Types of Companies that are Entitled to be Part of the Free Zone ?
All kinds of legitimate business operations are permitted in the Ajman Free Zone, the concern here is not the size of business, but the type of business activity to be established, business activities that are allowed include small and medium industries, business services sectors and all businesses are subject to the approval of the Ajman Free Zone

Does the Free Zone Offer Any Kind of Financial Support ?
The free zone does not offer any kind of financial support to investors however, investors and companies in the Ajman Free Zone are free to knock the door of other companies and financial institutions across the country concerning loans and financing projects

Is a Local Partner Required to Invest in the Free Zone ?
Having a local partner or a sponsor who is a UAE citizen is not a requirement, according to current policies and conditions, the investor is considered the exclusive owner of 100% of the business including freedom of residency on personal guaranty

What is the Minimum Capital Required to Start Working in the Business Sector in the Free Zone, And is it Required for a Local or a Foreign Company’s Branch ?
There is no minimum capital required if the investor wants to set up a branch for his/her company or institution whether local or foreign.

As for companies or new institutions that fall under the classification (F.Z.C-F.Z.C) or (F.Z.C-F.Z.E) minimum capital required is 50,000 US Dollars or 185,000 AED

Tags: afza.gov.ae
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