Request For Change Company Name : Ajman Free Zone

Name of the Organization : Ajman Free Zone
Type of Facility : Request For Change Company Name
Location : Ajman
Country : United Arab Emirates

Website : https://www.afz.ae/

Change Company Name:

A request for changing the name of the company.

Related : Ajman Free Zone Request For Change License Information : www.statusin.org/6184.html

Required Documents:
** Request letter from the company (signed and stamped).
** Original License.
** Chamber Of Commerce Certificate + Commercial Registration.
** New Partnership contract (for F.Z.C only)
** Old partnership contract ( for F.Z.C only).
** Old lease agreement.
** Original Establishment card.
** Security Guarantee Original Passport Of the owner or manager cheque of Dh.185000 which is $ 50,000.
** Advertisement for 17 days.

License amendment Dh. 500
Advertisement Dh. 500
Partnership Contract Dh. 1000
Establishment card Modify Dh. 500
Door sign (Office) Dh. 200
Door sign (warehouse) Dh. 750

** Owner must be physically present while applying the above procedure.
** An authority letter must be submitted in case the owner authorizes a person to sign/apply on his behalf in his absence.
** In the country: an authority letter attested from:
** Any court in UAE.
** Out of county: an authority letter attested from:
** UAE embassy in the foreign country.
** Ministry of foreign affairs in the UAE.
** Partnership fee might be changed depend on the capital of the company.
** The new company name must match the activity of the license.
** Please note that the Establishment card must be changed according to the new company name.
** The door sign must be changed to the new company name.

Phone: +971 6 7011555
Fax: +971 6 7429222

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Work Time:
Our working hours are Sunday to Thursday 7:30 am to 2:30 pm
(GMT: 3:30 am to 10:30 am)

FAQs :
Is There a Specific Bank Designated for the Deposit of the Required Capital, And is the Bank Statement Required when Applying to Establish a Business ?
There is no specific bank designated for the deposit of the required capital and you can open an account at any branch of any bank inside the UAE.

The bank statement is not required when applying to establish a business and it is requested after you receive the license and open a bank account in the name of the company or the institution you are establishing

Is There a Specific Port Designated for the Entry, Exit and the General Movement of Goods ?
There is no specific port and you can use any of the UAE ports after obtaining a customs number

Is the Investor Required to Have a UAE Residency to be Eligible to Establish a Business ?
The investor is not required to have a UAE residency, and if the investor is a resident in the UAE, his/her residency will not necessarily be based on the business

Do Prices of Special Packages Include Electricity, Water And Sewage ?
Yes, electricity, water and sewage are included in prices of special packages only for smart and executive offices and such packages don’t cover warehouses and lands

Can Payments be Deposited in the form of Installments ?
Yes, there is a possibility to deposit payments in the form of one, two, three, or twelve installments and this is also applicable in annual renewals

Tags: afza.gov.ae
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