Loss of Passport/ Travel Document in Malaysia : Immigration Department

Name of the Organization : Immigration Department of Malaysia
Type of Facility : Loss of Passport/ Travel Document in Malaysia
Country : Malaysia

Website : http://www.imi.gov.my/index.php/en/main-services/enforcement/loss-of-passporttravel-document-in-malaysia

Related : Malaysia Immigration Department Application For Employment Pass : www.statusin.org/6199.html

Loss of Passport / Travel Document in Malaysia:

1. Necessary Steps to take :
i. Surrender immediately to the Enforcement Division, Immigration Department of Malaysia;
ii. Bring along items as per checklist

The Special Pass can be re-issued upon payment of RM100

iii. Do not use the service of middlemen or agents;
iv. Give full cooperation during the investigation and recording of statements by an Immigration Officer.

2. Requirements Checklist:
When dealing with the Malaysian Immigration Enforcement Division, please bring along the original documents and copies of the following:
i. Passport number / copy of the lost passport / travel document;
ii. New Passport / Travel Document;
iii.Police report;
iv.Plane / bus / ferry ticket (depart within 7 days)

3. Additional Requirements:
i. Any evidence of entry (land passes/tickets/list of passengers);
ii. Certificate from the Embassy;
iii.Copy of pass / previous document (if any);
iv.Memo reference from the BPA/BPP/VPP/MIDA (if applicable).


BPA-Foreign Workers Division, Immigration Department of Malaysia
BPP-Employment Pass Division, Immigration Department of Malaysia
VPP-Visa, Pass and Permit Division, Immigration Department of Malaysia
MIDA- Malaysian Industrial Development Authority

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FAQs :
I have 2 children. Can I add my sons’ particulars on my MIP?
The new Malaysian International Passport system does not allow children’s particulars to be included on their parents’ passports.

I lost my MIP, what action should be taken? What forms and documents must I submit?
You need to lodge a report at the nearest police station.

I am a retiree and 60 years old. Can I get half-price rate for a MIP?
No. The Government only allows children under the age of 12 and students under the age of 21 to get half-price rate for the Malaysian International Passport.

I’m now in amsterdam and wish to apply for a new Malaysian Passport. What do I have to do? Does the Malaysian Embassy here issue a Malaysian Readable Passport (MRP)?
You can submit your passport application at the Malaysian Embassy in Amsterdam.

However you will be issued with an old version of the Malaysian passport which will be replaced with a new version upon your return to Malaysia. If you wish to have Malaysia Readable Passport (MRP) you can submit the application at the Malaysian High Commission office in London.

I was supposed to depart for Hong Kong on MH 107 at 8.30 am but an Immigration Officer at KLIA stopped me from leaving the country. What should I do and why I was stopped?
People are stopped from leaving the country for various reasons such as :
** Offences under the Immigration Act,
** Instruction from the Insolvency Department, or
** Instruction from the Royal Malaysia Police,
** Instruction from the Inland Revenue Board.

You can contact the Security and Passport Division at Immigration Headquarters, Putrajaya. You are advised to check your travel status at the Immigration Department of Malaysia or SMS us at 019-2772497 for further enquiry before travelling abroad.

How long does the Passport Application process take?
The Passport application process takes about an hour from the time payment is made at any passport office.

Categories: Malaysia
Tags: imi.gov.my

View Comments (2)

  • If a foreign or his employer launch a report on loss passport, but it's actual not loss.( The passport is with previous employer. This foreign come to Malaysia on tourist visa on working purpose). What is the next action to be taken?

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