MyKad Application For Children Aged 12 Malaysia : National Registration Department

Name of the Organization : National Registration Department of Malaysia
Type of Facility : MyKad Application For Children Aged 12
Country : Malaysia

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MyKad Application For Children Aged 12 :

Reason For Application:
Regulation 3 of the National Registration Regulations 1990 (Amendment 2007) states that a Malaysian child who has reached the age of 12 must register for the identity card.

Related : National Registration Department Application for Replacement of Lost Identity Card MyKad/ MyPR Malaysia :

Application Conditions:
1. The applicant must have attained 12 years of age but is below 16.
2. The applicant’s sponsor must be present, who is either the
2.1 Parent; or
2.2 Guardian (the guardian could be the grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, elder sister or brother who is over 21).
3. Application Form JPN.KP01 (obtainable from the NRD counter) that is completed.
4. The applicant must submit the application within 30 days of attaining the age of 12. Otherwise, a processing fee will be charged

Application Procedure:
The applicant and the sponsor are required to go to any NRD counter with the necessary original documents.

Required Documents (Originals):
1. Applicant’s Documents (Originals):
1.1. Birth Certificate or Adoption Certificate or Citizenship Certificate or confirmation of citizenship status or Citizenship Form or Appendix A (JAKOA)
1.2. Passport if the applicant is a non-resident

2. Sponsor’s Documents (Originals):
2.1. Identity card
2.2. A guardian who is not a relative of the applicant must bring along the document confirming guardianship from the Department of Social Welfare.
2.3. Non-citizen sponsors must bring passports from their country of origin.

Related Post

Payment / Fee:
Children attaining the age of 12 who fail to apply for the identity card (MyKad) within 30 days will incur a processing fee.

FAQs :
I have fulfilled all the conditions of the application but still my application was rejected. Can I appeal?
The government is not yet satisfied with your application. The decision by the minister is final but if you still intend to become a Malaysian citizen, you may submit a new application.

Is there any way to expedite my citizenship application?
Before submitting the application, the customer has been informed that the citizenship application will be processed and completed within one year from the date of complete application received by the NRD Headquarters in Putrajaya.

However, customers can submit a letter by stating the reason to expedite the application process and it is subject to the Malaysian Government’s jurisdiction.

My child was born overseas and is now a year old. Can I register the birth of my child so that he becomes a Malaysian citizen? Where and how do I go about it?
You may submit an application for extension of birth registration of a child born overseas to the Minister through NRD Headquarters by completing the same form and providing the reasons for late registration.

Applications can be made at any Malaysian Consulate abroad or the nearest NRD office if you are back in Malaysia

My child was born in Singapore and I am a Malaysian citizen. How do I register my child as a Malaysian?
If a child is born in Singapore, registration at the Representative Office in Singapore is not required.

If your child plans to reside in Malaysia in the future, you need only to apply for a confirmation of citizenship with the NRD through the representative office in Singapore and then apply for a certificate of status from the Immigration Department.

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