nbo.co.om Savings Account Opening Procedure : National Bank of Oman

Name of the Organization : National Bank of Oman
Type of Facility : Savings Account Opening Procedure
Country: Oman

Website : http://www.nbo.co.om/tabid/95/Default.aspx

Savings Account Opening Procedure :

If you are in the habit of saving on a regular basis and need to manage your money efficiently, our savings account is just the product for you.

Related : National Bank of Oman Apply For Internet Banking : www.statusin.org/6264.html

The savings account will help you execute day-to-day transactions with ease and assist you in tracking your income and expenses.

Interest and Non-Interest Options:
Savings accounts come in two variants; interest bearing at 0.5% per annum and non-interest bearing. Non-interest bearing savings accounts are eligible for entry in the Al Kanz prize draw.

Free Anywhere Banking:
Bank from anywhere at our extensive network of branches, ATMs or call centres. You can even manage your account over the Internet through Net Banking or on the go via SMS Banking. Best of all, these services are available absolutely free!

No Transaction Limit:
Convenient and easy transactions with no restriction on the number of deposits and withdrawals at bank branches. ATMs, however, have a RO 500 limit per day for withdrawal.

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Easy Access:
Every National Bank of Oman Savings account holder is issued a debit card. With this card, you can:
** Access your funds 24X7 through the OmanNet network.
** Enjoy the convenience of cashless shopping at over 1500 quality establishments globally.
** Withdraw cash from over 450,000 ATMs bearing the Electron logo.

Tracking Your Account:
We provide free half-yearly statements of accounts

Any individual – Omani/Non-Omani (Including minors)
Can be opened with an initial balance of RO 5
Minimum average monthly balance of RO 100 to be maintained.

The following documents will be required to apply for a Savings Account:
** Proof of identity (National identity card for Omanis/Passport for expatriates)
** Account Opening form
** KYC form
** Specimen Signature (SS) card

FAQs :
What is the policy period?
A motor insurance policy is valid for a period of one year and has to be renewed before the due date.​​

When I can get my insurance policy and Royal Oman Police (ROP) form issued?
The ROP form and the insurance policy number will be issued immediately by the branch at which you apply, upon payment of the premium. You can collect the policy documents at a later time from the bank branch of AXA office. ​​​

Can I apply for Himayati Motor Insurance through National Bank of Oman’s Internet Banking portal?
Not at the moment. You can only apply through your nearest National Bank of Oman branch in the Sultanate. ​​

Does this policy cover sports cars?
Does this policy cover riots, strikes and civil commotion?
Yes it does.​​​

Who can open a Mustaqbali Savings Account?
All Omani nationals and expatriates between the ages of 18 and 25 years​

Categories: Oman
Tags: nbo.co.om
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