NBO National Bank of Oman : Apply For Internet Banking

Name of the Organization : National Bank of Oman
Type of Facility : Apply For Internet Banking
Country: Oman

Website : http://www.nbo.co.om/tabid/94/Default.aspx

Apply For Internet Banking :

Retail Internet Banking (RIB) allows you to bank from the convenience of your home, office or any place in the world. With RIB, you can access your accounts at National Bank Of Oman – all at the click of a mouse.

Related : National Bank of Oman Apply For Mazaya Banking : www.statusin.org/6265.html

Account Information:
With Retail Internet Banking, you can view the balance in your account on a real-time basis as well as get to know the status of your fixed deposit account. You can download your account statement, request for a cheque book (subject to conditions), correspond with us through secured email s and request for more information about our products and services. Apart from these features, you can even access latest exchange rates.

Funds Transfers:
Manage your payments effectively by using our Retail Internet Banking Online Funds Transfer Mechanism. You can make fund transfers on a real-time basis across NBO’s branches in Oman and overseas.

Utility Bill Payment:
Retail Internet Banking allows you to pay your utility bills from the comfort of your home at the time of your choice. Registering for the utility payment service is a simple process.

To ensure your online transactions are safe, NBO deploys a highly secure authentication process.

How do I register for Retail Internet Banking?:
You can register online as per the process below:
To register, the click on the “Register” button in the top right green box.
You will now be required to input your ATM card number and PIN to start the registration process.
You can complete the registration from the location of your choice and get immediate and instant access to your accounts through the Internet banking system.

Register Here : https://netbank.natbankoman.com/Site/LoginForm.aspx

How do I access Retail Internet Banking?:
With a direct connection though the Internet, you can login to Retail Internet Banking with your User Id, and Password and via the following:

Related Post

Open www.nbo.co.om, click on Login Button, or Go directly to https://netbank.natbankoman.com/LoginForm.aspx

You can bookmark this URL by adding this to your browser favorites.

Security Guidelines :

Antivirus Software is used to protect your computer from harmful malicious software like viruses, Trojan horses, worms etc. Select Anti-virus software, which is capable of scanning both files and email messages. Always update the anti-virus to the latest signature release from the vendor. The Automatic Live Update option available in most anti-virus software can be used for the same.

It is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes. A “virus” is specifically designed for destruction and damage. It has capability to replicate itself and spread very fast on the Internet or intranet.

Trojan Horse:
A “trojan horse” is a program that contains hidden functions that exploit the privileges of the user program on your computer. A “Trojan horse” can do anything that the user executing the trojan has the privileges to do. This includes deleting files, transmitting files to the intruder, changing files, installing other programs that provide unauthorized network access, gaining root privileges, installing viruses or installing other “trojan horse” programs.

A “worm” is a self-replicating computer program, similar to a virus. A virus attaches itself to, and becomes part of, another executable program. However, a “worm” is self-contained and does not need to be part of another program to propagate itself.

Personal Firewalls guard your computer from any unwanted and unauthorized activities initiated from entering or leaving your computer. It logs all the intrusion attempts and generates alerts for the same. Most operating systems have in-built personal firewall options available which should be activated unless and until you are using a third party personal firewall.

Anti-spyware programs protect you from malicious code called “spyware”. A “spyware” is like a mole, it disguises itself as a legitimate application or secretly resides as one or more data link library (DLL) file. It collects information about you, like you’re online banking account details and pass on to its controller machine somewhere on the Internet. Many such companies use “spyware” to monitor and learn about your browsing behavior and your online preferences to target advertisements to your computer as pop-up ads. Anti-spyware programs can detect and remove such spyware and block the installation of the same.

Security patches for operating systems and for other software like browsers should be applied as soon as these are available from the vendor. The automatic update feature available from many software vendors can be used to keep your system patched from latest known security bugs.

NetB@nk Users Security Tips:
** Avoid using a Public Internet facility like Cyber Cafes to access your NetB@nk account.
** Keep track of your transactions. Review your credit card, and bank statements as soon as you receive them to make sure that you are being charged only for transactions you have made. Immediately inform us about any irregularities.
** Check the last login date and time displayed on your NetB@nk welcome page.
** Subscribe to NBO SMS alert service to keep yourself updated with all your major account transactions.
** Email sent from NBO to its net banking customers always greets its customers with their nickname as provided by them in the NetB@nk subscription form.
** NBO never requests for secret PIN codes or Passwords through any channels including Internet. Never reply to any email or website pop-ups requesting for the same for any reason.
** Always change your password periodically (NetB@nk forces you to change after 90 logons).
** Always choose a unique and strong password. Some guidelines to choose a strong password are:
** Include letters, numbers and special character like $, #, %, etc. in the password.
** Password should be at least eight characters long.
** Do not use very obvious words, like your name or family member name, etc., any thing that is easy to guess.
** Avoid words that can be found in a dictionary (including foreign and technical dictionaries).
** One of the ways to compose and remember complex passwords is to pick the first letter from each word of some easy to remember phrase. For example, the phrase National Bank of Oman is a great place to work, best paymaster and comfortable. Would produce a password NBOgpwb$^&c.

Categories: Oman
Tags: nbo.co.om
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