Application For Temporary Biometric Passport For Minors Living Abroad Aged Between 12 &18 Years Old Morocco : Ministry of Interior

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Interior
Type of Facility : Application For Temporary Biometric Passport For Minors Living Abroad Aged Between 12 And 18 Years Old
Country : Morocco
Website : service-public.ma/en/web/…Procedure=5877

Temporary Biometric Passport Aged Between 12 & 18

Minors living abroad aged between 12 and 18 years old

Related : Application For Temporary Biometric Passport For Minors Under 12 Years Old Living Abroad : www.statusin.org/6423.html

Required documents:
** Application for the bio metric passport correctly completed, dated and signed by the legal representative of the applicant;
** Extract of birth certificate or a full copy of the civil status register three months valid; Proof of residence or a registration certificate (*);

** Proof of the quality of the representative and their relationship with the minor; Justification for emergency;
** Copy of the receipt for filing the NEIC issue or renewal application delivered by the agent in charge of establishing NEIC at diplomatic missions or consular services;

** Two recent identical passport photographs, light grey or blue background,size 35 mm x 45 mm front representing the applicant and clearly indicating the characteristics of the whole of their face(photograph parameters);
** In case of renewal: the old passport; In case of the profit or loss: a declaration of loss or theft.

Tax stamp set out by the legislation in force
Place of submission:
Competent consular service
Place of issue:
Competent consular service
Ways of claims:
Al-Wassit institution (mediator)

Ministry of Interior : https://www.passeport.ma/default.aspx

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Useful information :

Note : minors who hold the national identity card are exempted from the birth certificate, the certificate of residence or the consular registration certificate and the photocopy certified in accordance with the original receipt issued by the official responsible for drawing up the national identity card at the diplomatic mission or consular post.

(*) The consular registration certificate shall be issued by the diplomatic mission or the consular post or the Directorate of Consular and Social Affairs under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in Rabat.

Moroccans abroad :
Are you a Moroccan national living aboard? If the answer is yes, you will find in this portal all related administrative measures.
** Individual documents
** Family
** Customs

Individual documents :
This section comprises the various necessary measures to obtain some documents. Such documents will often be required as parts of administrative processes both in Morocco and abroad. The following documents are listed for instance: national identity card, documents related to civil status, passes…etc

Family :
You want a newborn, you want a permission for a mixed marriage or you want to get your own family booklet, this heading is made for you as it includes all procedures relating to your family life.

About Us :
Service-Public.ma (www.service-public.ma) is a reference to access, via Internet, the set of services offered by the Moroccan administration. It displays in Arabic and French all useful information about public procedures and services.

Within the framework of the Moroccan Electronic Administration Program, the website aims, first and foremost, to improve the relation between the administration and its users.

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