Release of Vehicle For Consumption : Morocco

Name of the Organization : Administration of Customs & Indirect Taxes
Type of Facility : Release of Vehicle For Consumption
Country : Morocco

Website : service-public.ma

Release of Vehicle For Consumption :

For Moroccans residing abroad returning to Morocco for once, they may clear privatevehicles or motorcycles imported from abroad either :
** Upon arrival to Morocco, at the customs office of entry (at borders);
** Inside the country, at one of the customs offices in Morocco, after being allowed by clearance customs services at the border to enter vehicles in Morocco under the temporary admission system.

Related : Morocco Release of Passenger Accident-Damaged Vehicles to Scarp for Consumption : www.statusin.org/6432.html

Moroccan nationals living in Morocco or abroad

Required documents:
At ports:
** Vehicle registration certificate(original + copy);
** Identity document;
** Original sale bill for vehicles of three months or less;
** Power of attorneyduly legalized by the competent authorities abroad issued by the owner of the vehicle in case it is imported by a person other than the owner;

At other offices:
** Certificate of identity in duplicate, issued by the competent registration center;
** Original sale bill for vehicles of three months or less;
** Declaration of temporary admission issued by the customs ports;
** Power of attorneyduly legalized by the competent authorities abroad issued by the owner of the vehicle in case it is imported by a person other than the owner;

Vary depending on the vehicle make, model, engine capacity and its date of issue. For private vehicles, the cumulative rate is of 59.25%; for commercial vehicles, the cumulative rate is of 68.25%.

Place of submission:
Order offices in charge of vehicles clearance. Moroccans living in Morocco must clear their motor vehicles at ports, while non-residents in Morocco may clear their motor vehicles at ports or at the other offices

Place of issue:
Order offices in charge of releasing vehicles for consumption

Related Post

Processing time:
From 20 to 50 minutes

Ways of claims:
Al-Wassit institution (mediator)

Administration of customs and indirect taxes

Sources of information (home department):
Administration of customs and indirect taxes

Customs :
You are back to Morocco for vacation or once for good, this is the right section for you. You shall find here all necessary related procedures, facilities, and customs formalities to be accomplished.

Clearance of motor vehicles :
You can apply for the following services,
** Release of passenger accident-damaged vehicles to scarp for consumption
** Release of vehicle for consumption

** Temporary admission of motor vehicles
** Temporary admission of motor vehicles
** Temporary admission parts and spare parts for the repair of passenger motor vehicles registered abroad

About Us :
Service-Public.ma (www.service-public.ma) is a reference to access, via Internet, the set of services offered by the Moroccan administration. It displays in Arabic and French all useful information about public procedures and services.

Within the framework of the Moroccan Electronic Administration Program, the website aims, first and foremost, to improve the relation between the administration and its users.

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