Certificate of Residence Morocco : service-public.ma

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Interior
Type of Facility : Certificate of Residence
Country : Morocco

Website : service-public.ma

Certificate of Residence :

A certificate of residence either for foreigners or Moroccans is a document delivered by one of competent public administrations, stating that the applicant lives in the place stated in the certificate.

Related : Morocco Document of Relocation for Minor Foreigners : www.statusin.org/6452.html

Note that:
** The required documents to obtain a residence certificate must be filed at competent authorities, within a time limit of ninety days maximum, starting from the date in which foreigners arrive to Morocco or prior to the expiry of the visa granted to foreigners aged above 18 years, under this procedure;
** The applicant must have resided continually in Morocco more than 4 years, expect the following cases:
** Foreign spouse of a Moroccan woman citizen or the foreign spouse of mal Moroccan citizen;
** Foreign child of a Moroccan mother and children without citizenship from Moroccan mothers;
** Foreigners with the status of refugees as well as their spouses and minor children;
** Foreign fathers and mothers of children born and residing in Morocco having acquired the Moroccan citizenship;
** Wife ad minor children of a foreigner having obtained residence card;
** Foreigners stating in a given manner that Morocco is their regular place of residence for more than 15 years or since they were 10 years or more, or that their situation has been legal since 10 years;
** Subsistence means, professional activity, and all proofs to support the will of final residence on the Moroccan territory are taken into account for the submission or refusal of submission of the residence card.

All concerned or authorized persons

Required documents:
** Copy of passport;
** Two forms to be filled at the National Security Services or Royal Mounted Police (gendarmerie);
** Six passport photographs 2,5×2,5 ;
** Document stating subsistence means ;
** Copy of ownership contract, or tenancy contract, or electricity, water, or telephone receipts, or the owner commitment stating the place of residence;
** Evidence of subsistence means either in the case of “vistor”, “student”, or “professional activity”.
** Document stating professional or commercial activity, studies, or matrimonial relationship;
** Evidence of subsistence and commitment not to practice any activity to an authorization;
** Foreigners willing to obtain a residence card stating ‘professional activity’ under authority, must state having obtained such permission.

Tax of 60 DHS for each year of validity

Related Post

Place of submission:
** Services of security of the Wilaya
** Services of provincial security
** The nearest regional police station to the place of residence of the applicant;
** Royal Mounted police (gendarmerie) for rural areas.

Place of issue:
** Services of security of the Wilaya
** Services of provincial security
** The nearest regional police station to the place of residence of the applicant;
** Royal Mounted police (gendarmerie) for rural areas.

Processing time:
15 days

Validity period:
One renewable year

Ways of claims:
Al-Wassit Institution (Mediator)

Ministry of Interior

Sources of information (home department):
Ministry of Interior

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