Morocco : Permit To Import/ Export Gold

Name of the Organization : Administration of Customs & Indirect Taxes
Type of Facility : Permit To Import/ Export Gold
Country : Morocco

Website : service-public.ma

Permit To Import/ Export Gold

Moroccan Customs Office is responsible for enforcing restrictive national and international regulations, in cooperation with other administrations. These regulations are:
** The consumer protection, notably through:
** Protection of health.

Related : Morocco Permit To Import Anethole, Gasoline Anise, Star Anise & Extracts : www.statusin.org/6461.html

** Sanitary and veterinary control of live animals and animal products.
** Phytosanitary control of plants and plant products.
** Control for the elimination fraud on goods.
** Normative control of some industrial products.
** Defense of public order and morality (books, magazines, films …)
** Public safety (weapons and ammunition)
** Safeguarding of national heritage (art and antiques)
** Protection of the environment (control of toxic waste, hazardous materials …)

And restrictions are applicable to some goods when imported to Morocco. To obtain permission to import the products mentioned in the title, please follow the procedure below.

Natural or legal person or representative

Required documents:
** Copy of company statute;
** Copy of commercial register;
** Certificate of registration for patent;
** Form delivered by the administration filled in three duplicates;
** Supporting certificate of registration of incoming and outgoing freight;
** Certificate of completion of last import.

Fees : None

Place of submission:
Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes (Central Administration)

Place of issue:
Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes (Central Administration)

Related Post

Processing time:
Three days

Ways of claims:
Al-Wassit institution (mediator)

Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes

Sources of information (home department):
Administration of customs and indirect taxes – Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes

Import/export :
This heading includes the main procedures inherent in customs clearance on import or export. This is an essential item for importing or exporting companies. You can Also apply for the following services.

** Clearance of goods for export
** Clearance of goods for import
** Clearance of postal items to import
** Permit to import or export gold
** Permit of stores use and customs clearance areas
** Permit to import anethole, gasoline anise, star anise and extracts
** Permit to import, manufacture, possession, modification or transfer of stills

Clearance of Goods for Import :
Importing is the process of entering into Morocco goods from abroad or free- zones. These goods cannot be of any use before being cleared.

Important :
** Every importer of goods must put on the customs declaration the commercial register number and the place of registration of the RC (RC Centre).

** For importers, natural or legal persons not registered in the commercial register (agricultural cooperatives, universities, embassies, tourists …), a particular code in lieu of RC may be assigned by the Customs Office.

About Us :
Service-Public.ma is a reference to access, via Internet, the set of services offered by the Moroccan administration. It displays in Arabic and French all useful information about public procedures and services.

Within the framework of the Moroccan Electronic Administration Program, the website aims, first and foremost, to improve the relation between the administration and its users.

Categories: Morocco
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