Services Australia Double Orphan Pension Application :

Organisation : Services Australia
Facility Name : Double Orphan Pension Application
Country : Australia
Website :

What is Services Australia Double Orphan Pension?

A regular payment if you’re caring for a child whose parents can’t care for them or have died. To get this you must care for a child at least 35% of the time, and 1 of the following applies to them their parents have both died. The amount of pension to orphan children will be 75 percent of the monthly widow pension. This amount will be at least Rs 750 per month. Each of the two orphan children will get a pension amount of Rs 750 per month at a time. Under the EPS scheme, the orphan children will be given pension till the age of 25 years.

Related / Similar Status : Services Australia Parental Leave Pay Application

To get this you must care for a child at least 35% of the time, and 1 of the following applies to them:
**Their parents have both died
**One parent has died and the other is in a psychiatric institution or nursing home for an indefinite time, in prison for at least 10 years or their whereabouts are unknown
**They’re a refugee and both parents are living outside Australia or their whereabouts are unknown.

How To Claim Double Orphan Pension?

To Claim Double Orphan Pension, the procedure are given below
1. Get ready to claim
If you haven’t claimed Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for the child, you must submit a claim for FTB first.

To claim you can either:
**print and complete the Double Orphan Pension claim form
**call the Families line
**go to a service centre.

Gather Documents

2. Get your documents ready to claim
You’ll need to get some information ready to help answer some of the questions in the claim.

You may need to give us:
**the child’s birth certificate
**confirmation of the child’s refugee status
**confirmation that the child’s parent or parents have died.

Claim online

3. Make your claim
You can’t claim online but you can submit your completed claim form and supporting documents we ask for online. You can also submit them by post or in person.

Submit your claim form and documents online using either your,
**Centrelink online account
**Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.

To submit your claim online, you need a myGov account linked to Centrelink. If you don’t have a myGov account or a Centrelink online account you’ll need to set them up.

By post
Post your claim form and documents to:
Services Australia
Reply paid 7802
Canberra BC ACT 2610
In person

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Bring your claim form and documents to a service centre.

4. After you claim
If you submit your claim form and documents online, you’ll get a receipt telling you:
**your documents were submitted
**a receipt number.

1. We’ll let you know the result of your claim. We’ll send a letter in the mail.
2. If we need more details we’ll ask you for them.
3. If you think we’ve made a mistake you can ask us to review our decision.

Create a myGov account :

Who Can Get Double Orphan Pension?

To get Double Orphan Pension you and the child must meet all of the following conditions.

You must meet all of the following conditions:
**care for a child at least 35% of the time
**meet the residence rules
**not get another Centrelink payment for the child, or an Orphan Pension from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

You also need to have claimed Family Tax Benefit for the child, or you have claimed but can’t get it.

This could be because either:
**your family’s income is too high
**the child gets an education payment, such as ABSTUDY.

In addition to the above, one of the following must also apply.
The child’s parents or adoptive parents have both died.

One parent has died and the other parent’s either:
**in prison for at least 10 years
**in custody and could be sentenced to 10 years in prison
**in a psychiatric institution or nursing home for an indefinite period
**whereabouts are unknown.

The child is a refugee who hasn’t lived in Australia with either or both parents, and whose parents either:
**are outside Australia
**whereabouts are unknown.

There are no income or assets tests for Double Orphans Pension.

How Much You Can Get For Double Orphans Pension?

**You can get $68.40 a fortnight untaxed.
**You may get more depending on how much Family Tax Benefit we paid before the child became an orphan.
**We update payment rates on 1 January each year.
**You may also get the Economic Support Payment. We’ll pay these into your bank account automatically, if you’re eligible.

What Other Help is Available Double Orphans Pension?

We have a range of other services, tools and information to help you manage your payment or get extra support.

This includes:
**information about Family Tax Benefit
**more payments for families and payments for carers
**information about support for grandparent carers and support for non parent carers
**information about death and bereavement
**tips about how to manage your money
**someone dealing with us on your behalf
**reviews and appeals.

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