Skatteverket ID Card Application Sweden

Organisation : Skatteverket
Facility Name : Skatteverket ID Card Application
Country : Sweden
Website :

What is Skatteverket ID Card Application?

You can apply for an ID card (identity card) from the Swedish Tax Agency. The Tax Agency ID card is an approved form of identification within Sweden. You can use the ID card as proof of your age and identity at places such as pharmacies, banks or in shops. Typically, it takes about two weeks from the time you apply for the ID card until it is ready to be picked up at the Tax Agency. However, it may take more time if it is necessary to further investigate certain information in your application.

How To Apply For An Sweden Id Card?

You apply for an ID card by visiting a service office. You can read about what happens when you visit a service office to apply for an ID card.

ID card application conditions
**To apply for an ID card, you must be registered as living in Sweden, be over the age of 13 and be able to demonstrate who you are (prove your identity).
**If you are under the age of 18, you must have permission from your legal guardian(s).
**The application fee is SEK 400. The fee has to be paid before you apply for an ID card.
**You can also apply for the card, even if you or your attestor have a protected identity.
**If this is the case, contact your case officer before you apply.
**You cannot use the Tax Agency ID card instead of a passport when you travel overseas.
**The Tax Agency ID card is only valid in Sweden. Contact the Swedish Police if you want to apply for a national ID card.
**More about national ID cards from the Swedish Police External link, opens in new window.
**Not all Tax Agency offices issue ID cards
**You must visit one of our offices in person to be able to apply for an ID card.
**Only certain offices issue ID cards. If you want to apply for an ID card you have to make an appointment in advance.
** Make an appointment for application of ID-card External link.
** List of service offices that issue ID cards

Checklist for the ID card application

Before visiting one of our offices to apply for an ID card,

you must:
be registered as living in Sweden
be aged 13 or over
have paid the application fee of SEK 400 and be able to present a receipt or a bank statement with your ID-number as reference
be able to demonstrate who you are (prove your identity). Bring with you an approved identification document (e.g. passport) or valid residence permit
have the permission of your legal guardian(s) if you are under the age of 18.
You must be registered as living in Sweden
To apply for an ID card you must have a Swedish personal identity number, meaning you must be on the Swedish Population Register. Therefore if you have a co-ordination number, you cannot apply for a Tax Agency ID card.
You do not need a civil registration certificate to apply. When you visit one of our offices that issues ID cards we check your population registration details in our system.
You must be aged 13 or over
To apply for an ID card, you must be at least 13 years old. If you are under 18, your legal guardian(s) must give their permission for you to apply for an ID card.
You will need a receipt of payment for the application fee
When you visit the Tax Agency office to apply for an ID card, you must be able to provide a receipt showing that you have paid the application fee of SEK 400. If you pay online, you can print out the payment confirmation and take it with you.

Pay In Good Time:
Make sure you pay in good time so that we receive the payment before you visit us. Be aware that it will take at least one banking day for the payment to be received. Remember to write your personal identity number in the message or information field.

Paying For Someone Else:
If you are paying for someone else, you must state their personal identity number in the message or information field.

How To Pay The Application Fee?

Pay the application fee via bankgiro number 389-0100 (Swedbank).

If you are paying from an overseas bank account, use the following codes:
** IBAN (International Bank Account Number): SE55 1200 0000 0128 1012 1613

Danske Bank
Norrmalmstorg 1
S-103 92 Stockholm

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Do not forget to state your personal identity number in the OCR or message field if you pay via internet banking. If you use a paying-in form or if the payment is made at a kiosk or similar place that offers giro payment, you must state your personal identity number when paying.
The application fee cannot be refunded.

The application process will start as soon as you have paid the fee. You are not entitled to a refund if:
** We do not approve your application.
** You choose to cancel your application – for example, to apply for a different ID card. ​​

You must be able to demonstrate who you are
To apply for an ID card, you must be able to demonstrate who you are, i.e. prove your identity. To do this, you must have one of the following with you when you visit the Tax Agency offices:
** An approved ID document.
** A valid Swedish residence permit, so we can compare your personal details with the ones you have registered with the Swedish Migration Agency.
** A person who can certify your application details in writing. This person is called an “attestor”. The attestor must also be able to identify themselves with an approved ID document.
** More about approved ID documents when you apply for an ID card
** More about residence permits when you apply for an ID card
** More about approved attestors

You must have the permission of your legal guardian(s)
If you are under 18, your guardian must give permission for you to apply for an ID card. This is done by filling out and signing form SKV 1502.
The form must be signed by all guardians.

The application process:
1. You submit an electronic application
When you arrive at the service office, you will complete an electronic application for an ID card. If you have an attestor with you, they must complete and sign the form Identitetskort – Intygsgivare (SKV 1503) [ID card – Attestor] in connection with your visit to the offices. If you are under the age of 18, your guardian must complete the form Identitetskort med e-legitimation – Vårdnadshavares medgivande (SKV 1502) [Identity card with e-legitimation – Guardian’s permission]. If you have two guardians, they must both sign the form.

2. You will be photographed and we will measure your height
You do not need to take a photograph with you to the service office as you will be photographed there.

3. You write your signature
You will write your signature, which will appear on the card, and approve the electronic application with the details that will be used when manufacturing the card and which will also appear on it. You can also read the conditions for the e-ID here.

Application of ID Card :

Electronic Identification With The Id Card

**The Tax Agency’s ID card also contains electronic identification (e-legitimation).
**Electronic identification can be compared with a traditional ID document, such as an ID card or driving licence.
**Electronic identification can be used to securely prove your identity over the internet.
**When you prove your identity with electronic identification, you can access information about yourself or your company that is available on the Tax Agency register.
**You can also manage your affairs over the internet with banks, authorities and companies.

Receiving The Finished Id Card

**It normally takes about two weeks before the ID card is ready.
**If something in your application needs to be investigated further, it can take more time.
**When your card is ready you will receive a message from Skatteverket by post or by SMS.
**The message will say that your ID card is ready to be collected at the service office.
**You will need to collect your ID card in person.
**If you applied for an ID card before 1 September 2017, you must bring the notification letter with you when you collect the card.
**The notification letter consists of two parts: the notification message and a letter containing a PIN code and a PUK code.
**You shall not bring these codes with you when you collect your ID card. Never store the codes together with your ID card.
**The codes shall be stored like other valuable items.

ID card validity period:
The ID card is valid for five years (if it has not been blocked before this time, for example if it is stolen). Remember to apply for a new ID card in good time before the current card expires.

If you change your name or personal identity number:
It is important that the ID card contains the correct personal details, i.e. the details that we have on our population register. If you change your personal details, you must apply for a new ID card. The Tax Agency does not send any reminders.

Lose Your ID Card

**If you lose your ID card, you immediately have to block it so that no one else can use it.
**When you block your ID card, your electronic identification is also blocked.
**If you have a blue-orange card (issued after June 2022) or a green card that was issued between September 2017 to May 2022, call 0103311010 to block the card.

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