Morocco : Permit To Import Anethole, Gasoline Anise, Star Anise & Extracts

Name of the Organization : Administration of Customs & Indirect Taxes
Type of Facility : Permit To Import Anethole, Gasoline Anise, Star Anise & Extracts
Applicable Country : Morocco

Website : service-public.ma

Permit To Import Anethole, Gasoline Anise & Extracts :

Stores and clearance areas (MEAD) are spaces where goods for customs clearance may be stored for clearance either imported or exported.

Related : Morocco Permit of Stores Use & Customs Clearance Areas : www.statusin.org/6460.html

These MEAD are subject to permanent control of the Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes and can be created both inside and outside the port or airport. To obtain authorization to use the stores and MEAD please follow the procedure below.

Natural or legal person or representative

Required documents:
** Application; copy of company statute;
** Copy of commercial register;
** Primary agreement of tutor department ( health or agriculture)

Three DHS per hectolitre of of alcohol, as monitoring costs

Place of submission:
District Administration of Customs

Place of issue:
District Administration of Customs

Processing time:
Same day

Related Post

Ways of claims:
Al-Wassit institution (mediator)

Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes
Sources of information (home department) : Administration of customs and indirect taxes – Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes

Customs :
Whether you are importer, investor, or private investor, residing in Morocco or abroad, this list of content shall be your main reference point regarding customs. You can find here all the procedures relating to the various situations faced at the customs service, either when it comes to export or import.

Permit to import, manufacture, possession, modification or transfer of stills :
A still is a device for the separation of products by heating and then cooling. Restrictions apply to this type of device upon import, manufacture, possession, modification or disposal. A license is required to sell / buy ormodify this type of device.

Applicant – Natural or legal person or representative
Required documents :
** Application;
** Copy of company statute;
** Copy of commercial register;
** Graphical format of the device

Fees – None
Place of submission – Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes (Central Administration)
Place of issue – Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes (Central Administration)

Processing time – Same day
Ways of claims – Al-Wassit institution (mediator)
Contact – Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes
Sources of information (home department) – Administration of customs and indirect taxes – Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes

Import Export :
This heading includes the main procedures inherent in customs clearance on import or export. This is an essential item for importing or exporting companies.

About Us :

Service-Public.ma is a reference to access, via Internet, the set of services offered by the Moroccan administration. It displays in Arabic and French all useful information about public procedures and services.

Within the framework of the Moroccan Electronic Administration Program, the website aims, first and foremost, to improve the relation between the administration and its users.

Categories: Morocco
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