Services Australia Stillborn Baby Payment Application :

Organisation : Services Australia
Facility Name : Stillborn Baby Payment Application
Country : Australia
Website :

What is Services Australia Stillborn Baby Payment?

Stillbirth is the delivery, after the 20th week of pregnancy, of a baby who has died. Loss of a baby before the 20th week of pregnancy is called a miscarriage. A baby is stillborn in about 1 in 200 pregnancies. For your first child, the maximum total amount you can receive is $1,785.42 for the 13 weeks. For subsequent children the maximum total amount is $596.05 for the 13 weeks. If you’re eligible for the Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A base rate or more, you’ll get the maximum rate of Newborn Supplement.

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To get this you must:
** Have recently had a stillborn baby
** Be under the income test limits or eligible for Family Tax Benefit Part A
** Not be getting Parental Leave Pay for the same baby.

How To Claim Stillborn Baby Payment?

Complete the following steps to claim Stillborn Baby Payment. Before you start, check if you can get it.

Steps to claim Stillborn Baby Payment
Visiting a service centre

1. Get ready to claim:
** The easiest way to claim is online.
** You have up to 52 weeks to claim. This starts from your baby’s date of birth.

We may be able to give you more time if you need it because:
** you had a severe illness to do with the birth
** you applied for Parental Leave Pay but couldn’t get it.
** To claim online, you need a myGov account linked to Centrelink.
** If you don’t have a myGov account or a Centrelink online account you’ll need to set them up.
** You may need to prove your identity with us before you start your claim.
** If you can’t claim online, you’ll need to fill in a paper Claim for Bereavement Payment form.
** The hospital or midwife may have given you this form already.
** If you can’t print the form you can either:
** call the Families line and ask us to send you the form
** go to a service centre.

You can post the completed form and any documents we’ve asked for, to:
Services Australia
Reply paid 7802
Canberra BC ACT 2610
You can also submit it at a service centre.
Gather Documents

2. Get your documents ready to claim:
When claiming, we’ll tell you which documents you need to give us. This may include the Proof of Birth declaration on the back of the Claim for Bereavement Payment form.

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The doctor or midwife who was at the birth must complete the above declaration. If you can’t give us the above declaration, you can give us a letter from the doctor or midwife. The letter must be from the doctor or midwife who was at your baby’s birth and should include:
** your full name
** the date and place of birth
** the baby’s gender
** the baby’s weight
** the gestation period.
** Information you need for your claim

Make sure you have all of this information when claiming:
** your Centrelink Customer Reference Number if you’ve dealt with us before
** your passport number, if you have one
** the date you first arrived in Australia, if you weren’t born here
** any dates when you lived outside Australia
** your bank account details
** your tax file number
** your income.
** You’ll need all the same details for your partner as well.
** Claim online

3. Make your claim:
** Sign in to myGov and go to Centrelink.
** Select Make a claim, then Start a new claim.
** Under Families, select Get started.
** Select Apply for Family Assistance (including Paid Parental Leave).
** Answer all the questions. Each screen has information to help you complete the claim. This includes how to submit your supporting documents.
** Submit your claim.

4. After you claim:
After you submit your claim online, you’ll get a receipt telling you:
** your claim was submitted
** a receipt number.

Who Can Get Stillborn Baby Payment?

You may be able to get Stillborn Baby Payment if you recently had a baby who was stillborn.
You may be able to get this payment if either:
** you recently had a baby who was stillborn
** you or your partner would have been the baby’s main carer
** you don’t receive Parental Leave Pay for the same baby
** you meet the residence rules about living in Australia.

What stillborn means
A stillborn baby is one who meets all of the following:
** has not breathed since delivery
** has no heartbeat after their birth
** weighs at least 400 grams at their birth or had a gestation period of at least 20 weeks.

How Much You Can Get Stillborn Baby Payment?

The Stillborn Baby Payment is currently $3,766.14.

This payment is:
** a one-off lump sum
** tax free.

It can be part of Income Management.

If you have a multiple birth, you’ll get either:
** $3,766.14 for each stillborn baby
** Parental Leave Pay for one and Stillborn Baby Payment of $3,766.14 for others.

The Stillborn Baby Payment Income limit for you and your partner must be $67,161.00 or less for the 6 months from the day of the child’s delivery.

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