Services Australia Disability Support Pension Application :

Organisation : Services Australia
Facility Name : Disability Support Pension Application
Country : Australia
Website :

What is Disability Support Pension Application Australia?

Disability Support Pension (DSP) is a payment from Centrelink for people who have a permanent medical condition that stops them from working. Having a disability or medical condition is not enough to qualify for DSP, you must prove that the medical condition stops you from working. According to the World Health Organization, disability has three dimensions: Impairment in a person’s body structure or function, or mental functioning; examples of impairments include loss of a limb, loss of vision or memory loss. Activity limitation, such as difficulty seeing, hearing, walking, or problem solving.

Related / Similar Status : Services Australia Mobility Allowance Application

Financial help if you have a permanent physical, intellectual or psychiatric condition that stops you from working.
Not everyone with disability or a medical condition can get DSP. If you can’t get DSP, you may be able to get other payments.

To get Disability Support Pension (DSP), you need to meet both:
** non-medical rules
** medical rules

How To Claim Disability Support Pension?

Steps to claim Disability Support Pension

Visiting a service centre
1. Get ready to claim:
** Before you start, you can use our DSP pre-claim guide to help you decide whether to claim.
** The easiest way to claim is online. If you have a correspondence nominee they can also claim for you online.
** To claim online, you need a myGov account linked to Centrelink. If you have a nominee they also need to have their own account.
** If you don’t have a myGov account or a Centrelink online account you’ll need to set them up.
** You may need to prove your identity with us before you start your claim.
** If you can’t claim online you can claim by form.
** Gather Documents

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2. Get your documents ready to claim:
** You’ll need to get some supporting documents ready to help answer some of the questions in the claim.
** You’ll need medical evidence for the claim.
** You need to give us all the medical evidence and supporting documents we ask for. If you don’t, we may not accept your claim or we may reject it.
** Claim online

3. Make your claim:
** Sign in to myGov and go to Centrelink.
** Select Payments and Claims from the menu, then Claims, then Make a claim.
** Under Disabled, ill or injured, select Get started.
** Answer all the questions. Each screen has information to help you complete the claim. This includes how to submit your supporting documents.
** Submit your claim.

Create Account :

4. Track your claim:
After you submit your claim online, you’ll get a receipt telling you:
** you’ve submitted your claim
** the ID number of your claim
** the date we estimate your claim will be complete
** a link to track its progress.

Who can get Disability Support Pension?

** You need to meet both non-medical and medical rules to get Disability Support Pension (DSP).
** Not everyone with disability or a medical condition can get DSP.

To get DSP, you need to meet both:
** non-medical rules
** medical rules.

Non-medical rules include things like your age, residence status, and income and assets.

How Much You Can Get Disability Support Pension?

** How much Disability Support Pension (DSP) you can get depends on your age and living conditions.
** How much DSP you can get depends on your situation.
** If you’re under 21, it depends on if we assess you as dependent or independent.
** You may get a different rate if you’re on the transitional rate of pension.
** You can read more about the different payment rates.
** Disability Support Pension if you’re Age Pension age is a taxable Centrelink payment. Read about paying tax on your payment.

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