Application For Customs Duty Exemption : Morocco

Name of the Organization : Administration of Customs & Indirect Taxes
Type of Facility : Application For Customs Duty Exemption
Country : Morocco

Website : service-public.ma

Application For Customs Duty Exemption :

Customs duty exemption is required to import goods free for import admitted exempt from customs duties under the trade and fare Conventions and Agreements signed between Morocco and some other countries.

Related : Morocco Clearance of Goods for Import : www.statusin.org/6454.html

Subject to customs duty exemption are to the products subject to tariff quotas under the Agreements of Association and Free Trade signed between Morocco and the European Union and Morocco and the member states of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA ) and products subject to fare quotas provided for by the Multilateral Agreements.

Natural or legal person

Required documents:
The customs duty exemption qpplication is made in 4 copies of the form entitled “qpplication for customs duty exemption” with a proforma invoice in four copies, stating:
** Overall value and the unit price expressed in ex-work value, FOB, FCA , or FAS;
** Quantity expressed in units of appropriate measures;
** Commercial designation of goods;
** Delivery conditions;
** Country of origin and source of goods;
** Payment terms.

Fees: None

Place of submission:
The “Application for duty customs exemption is submitted to the Directorate of Policies of Trade Exchange, at the department in charge of external trade, (Division of Regulation and Trade Facilitation)

Related Post

Processing time: 10 to 20 days

Validity period:
6 months maximum starting from the date of permit by the department in charge of external state

Ministry of Industry, Trade and New Technologies. Department of external trade

Customs :
Whether you are importer, investor, or private investor, residing in Morocco or abroad, this list of content shall be your main reference point regarding customs. You can find here all the procedures relating to the various situations faced at the customs service, either when it comes to export or import.

Duty exemption and reduction :
Some companies, associations or public institutions eligible for customs duty exemption or reduction. Hence the importance of section is to identify the various procedures relating to this case.

** 3 Duty reduction granted to industrial businesses approved by supervisory departments, under the domestic consumption tax on alcohol imported or produced in the subject territory.
** Application for customs duty exemption

** Duty exemption for goods and merchandise received as a donation by the state, local authorities, public institutions, public benefit associations, sports federations, and charitable organisations

About Us :
Service-Public.ma (www.service-public.ma) is a reference to access, via Internet, the set of services offered by the Moroccan administration. It displays in Arabic and French all useful information about public procedures and services. Within the framework of the Moroccan Electronic Administration Program, the website aims, first and foremost, to improve the relation between the administration and its users.

Categories: Morocco
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