Register For Email Statement : Indo Zambia Bank

Name of the Organization : Indo Zambia Bank
Type of Facility : Register For Email Statement
Country : Zambia

Website : http://www.izb.co.zm/english/estatements.aspx

Register For Email Statement :

Register for Email statement For:
** E-Statements are free and environment friendly
** Receive monthly E-Statements instead of quarterly printed statements

Related : Indo Zambia Bank Apply For Mobile Banking : www.statusin.org/6590.html

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** Enjoy easy access to your account statements at the click of a button, anytime and anywhere
** Protect your confidential data with password protected E-Statements

E-Statement Registration: https://www.statusin.org/uploads/6589-IZB_estatement-registrationform.pdf

Terms & Conditions:
** The E statement provided is an optional facility provided to the account holders and not a compulsion by the Bank for availing such a facility.
** On signing up for E-Statement, you are eligible to receive account statement.
** On agreeing to subscribe through the E statement, Account Holder(s) agree to be bound by all the Terms and Conditions that may be specified by the Bank at the time availing such facility and such other conditions as specified by the Bank from time to time.
** Free monthly estatement and other regular notices/advices/updates/information will be sent to the registered email id.
** On agreeing to avail the facility of E statement, Account Holder(s) agree, and understand that the Bank shall discontinue the physical statements/notices/advices/updates/information being sent to the Account Holder(s).
** IZB Bank shall not be liable or responsible for any breach of secrecy caused as a result of the E Statements being sent to the registered email with the Bank.
** IZB Bank is not liable to verify the any authenticity of the emails.
** The facility being a optional one the Account Holder (s) shall not hold the Bank liable if any problem arises with the Account holder(s) computer network as result of receiving Statements from the Bank.
** In case of Joint Account Holders the Joint Account Holders shall not hold liable the Bank for receiving the E statement to the Designated email address of one of the Account Holder.
** The Account Holder(s) shall at all times be responsible for updating the details with the Bank from time to time to receive this service uninterrupted of the Bank.
** Account Holder shall not hold IZB Bank responsible if they do not receive Statements due to incorrect Email address and technical reasons beyond the control of the Bank.
** The Account Holder confirm to have read and understood the Terms & Conditions pertaining to usage of this Channel Facility.
** The Bank shall at its own discretion at any time may discontinue/alter/modify the facility at the terms and conditions as specified therein at the sole discretion of the Bank.
** Please contact your nearest IZB Bank branch and give a request for E-Statement Registration.

Categories: Zambia
Tags: izb.co.zm

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