Dutch Bangla Bank : Agent Banking Bangladesh

Name of the Organization : Dutch Bangla Bank
Type of Facility : Agent Banking
Country : Bangladesh

Website : http://www.dutchbanglabank.com/electronic-banking/agent-banking.html

Agent Banking:

Following the successful launch of the Mobile Banking services, DBBL realized the potential to increase customer reach by offering Agent Banking services through agents for the rural customer who does not have access to formal banking system even through Mobile Banking.

Related : Dutch Bangla Bank Bangladesh 2FA Registration : www.statusin.org/6697.html

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For smooth operation of Agent Banking function a separate Department in the name and style “Agent Banking Department” has been created. The Department will serve wide range of customers throughout the country by providing banking and financial services with the help of mobile telecommunication devices/ computer system/ using biometric technology. Especially for clients in remote locations, Agent Banking Department will help them deposit and withdraw funds and other admissible services at banking agents, i.e., retail outlets that turn Deposit to electronic funds and vice versa. With the help of the agent banking service customer can enjoy the convenience of banking service at any place of the country.

The following services will be covered under DBBL Agent Banking:
** Collection of small value cash deposits and cash withdrawals (ceiling should be determined by the management of the Bank from time to time in line with the guideline of central bank );
** Inward foreign remittance disbursement;
** Facilitating small value loan disbursement and recovery of loans, installments;
** Facilitating utility bill payment;
** Cash payment under social safety net programmed of the Government;
** Facilitating fund transfer (ceiling should be as per limit given by Bangladesh Bank [BB] from time to time);
** Balance inquiry; Statement inquiry
** Collection and processing of forms/documents in relation to account opening, loan application, credit and debit card application from public;
** Post sanction monitoring of loans and advances and follow up of loan recovery.
** Receiving of clearing cheque.
** Other functions like collection of insurance premium including micro- insurance etc.
** ATM Withdrawal
** Merchant Payment
** Fund transfer [Person to Person (P2P), Person to Business (P2B), Business to Person (B2P), Person to Government (P2G), Government to Person (G2P), Business to Government (B2G), Government to Business (G2B)]

An Agent must provide, as a minimum, cash deposit and cash withdrawal services. The agent’s activities could be within normal course of banking business of the DBBL but conducted at places other than bank premises/ ATM booths. Agent must provide services in the designated business premises.

Agents are not allowed to provide the following services on behalf of the banks:
** Giving final approval of opening of bank accounts and issuance of bank cards/ cheques;
** Dealing with loan/ financial appraisal
** Encashment of cheques and
** Dealing in Foreign currency.

Categories: Bangladesh
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