Dutch Bangla Bank Bangladesh : Electronic Banking For Your Business

Name of the Organization : Dutch Bangla Bank
Type of Facility : Electronic Banking For Your Business
Country : Bangladesh

Website : http://www.dutchbanglabank.com/corporate-banking/ebankingforcorp.html

Electronic Banking For Your Business:

You Dream it, Dutch-Bangla Bank will create it. Dutch-Bangla Bank offers a complete electronic banking facility for your company around the clock.

Related : Dutch Bangla Bank Bangladesh Agent Banking : www.statusin.org/6698.html

Most multi-nationals use this service because it is advanced, secure and affordable. Dutch Bangla Bank creates a custom banking service to suit any business of any size. The services have a wide range that includes cash flow services, distribution banking and salary accounts. If a company knows what type of custom and tailored banking service they need, Dutch Bangla Bank can provide it instantly and at minimal cost (usually free of charge).

There are hundreds of companies using this type of services from Dutch Bangla Bank and they also include the largest companies and multi-nationals operating in Bangladesh. Dutch Bangla Bank has a world-class banking system used by many of the world’s top banks and the largest electronic banking infrastructure to provde your company with any type of custom banking services you desire.

For example for your starting point, Dutch Bangla Bank has created Employee Banking program which allows:
Seamless and error free distribution of salaries:
** Providing emploees with timely salary payments
** Lower manpower needed
** Reduces cash theft and misapporpriation
** Transactions are properly logged for your easy reference
** Highly secure way of distributing money
** No cash at hand in the office, all cash finally distributed through the largest ATM network in Bangladesh

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Contact Us (Head office):
Call: 9574196-97
International: (880) 9574196-97
Fax: (880) 9561889
Email : hrd [AT] dutchbanglabank.com

FAQs :
What is the difference between MasterCard/Visa and Classic cards?
MasterCard/Visa is the card with MasterCard/Visa brand which can be used at ATMs that have MasterCard/Visa logo and Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd-NEXUS Classic card is the proprietorship card of Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd that can be used only at Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd ATMs.

Can I use MasterCard/Visa/Classic card for shopping?
Any Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd MasterCard/Visa/Classic card can be used for shopping
I have received card through courier. What shall I do now?
To activate, collect the PIN from home branch and submit the acknowledgement slip there.

How can I activate/reactivate my card?
A card will be activated after submission of the acknowledgement slip/reactivation request to the home branch.
Can I use MasterCard/Visa/Classic card simultaneously?
Yes, MasterCard/Visa/Classic card issued against an account can be used simultaneously.

My card was retained/captured by the ATM. How can I get it?
In case of retained/captured card please contact :
i) Home Branch or,
ii) Call our 24-hours Call Center at 16216.

I’ve lost my card. What can I do now?
Please contact home branch or call our 24 hours Call Center at 16216 to block the card immediately and submit a card replacement request to the home branch.

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