Bangladesh Dutch Bangla Bank : Register For Internet Banking

Name of the Organization : Dutch Bangla Bank
Type of Facility : Register For Internet Banking
Country : Bangladesh

Website :

Register For Internet Banking :

Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd allows you to do seamless internet banking. This allows you to review your account, statements, paying bills as well as making some transactions.

Related : Dutch Bangla Bank Bangladesh Electronic Banking For Your Business :

Because of local banking regulations, Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd is not allowed to provide some types of transactions even though it is fully capable.

Login Here :

Internet Banking Features:
Account Summary :
The Customer will be able to view the list of Current, Saving, Term Deposit and Loan accounts with the current balance.

Account Details :
The Customer can choose a particular account and see the account details including unclear fund, limit, interest accrued etc.

Account Activity:
The customer can see or print his transaction activity in a given account for a particular period.

Transfer Funds:
The customer can transfer funds from one of his accounts to another of his accounts within the bank.

Third Party Transfer :
* The customer can transfer funds from one of his accounts to another customer’s account within the bank.

Pay Bills:
The customer can pay his utility bill (like Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd Credit Card Bills, Alico, Mobile, Tuition Fees etc.)

Standing Instructions:
The customer can setup, modify or delete standing instructions for transferring fund from one of his account to another account (his account or 3rd party).

Related Post

Open/Modify :
Term DepositThe customer can open a term deposit by transferring funds from one of his current or savings accounts with the bank. He can also modify the TD and redeem / part-redeem it.

Loan Repayments:
The customer can make payment of the loan installment from his CASA account.

Statement Request:
The customer can make a request for account statement for a required period. The bank will manually service this request.

Cheque Book Request:
The customer can make a request for a Cheque book.

Cheque Status Inquiry ;
The customer can choose an account and enter the Cheque number for which the status should be viewed.

Stop Payment Cheque:
The customer can mark his Cheque leaf as stop payment.

Interest Rate Inquiry:
The customer can query on the interest rates on CASA & Term Deposit Products.

Foreign Exchange Rate Inquiry:
The customer can query on the Foreign Exchange (FX) Rates using this function.

Change Password:
The customer can change his Internet Banking Password using this function.

*Not allowed by Bangladesh Bank regulations and rules.

Additional Internet Banking Features for Corporate Banking:
Letter of Credit:
The customer can initiate the LC application through Internet Banking.

Bank Guarantee:
The customer can initiate the Bank Guarantee through Internet Banking.

Limits Query:
The customer can view his Loan Limits and Limits Utilization through Internet Banking.

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