Dutch Bangla Bank : SMS & Alert Banking Bangladesh

Name of the Organization : Dutch Bangla Bank
Type of Facility : SMS & Alert Banking
Applicable Country : Bangladesh
Applicable For : Dutch Bangla Bank Account Holders

Website : http://www.dutchbanglabank.com/electronic-banking/sms-alert.html

SMS & Alert Banking :

Considering the availability of mobile phones in the hand of every individual, the bank has introduced SMS and Alert banking for the convenience of the customer.

Related : Dutch Bangla Bank Bangladesh Register For Internet Banking : www.statusin.org/6700.html

This is becoming very popular and useful means of enquiring bank account information. With this small device a customer can enquire about his account balance, see on the screen last few transactions, transfer funds, pay utility bills and many more.

SMS Banking:
This is a customer initiated service where the customer types some keywords and sends sms to the short code – 3225. In reply sms the related information is fed back. It is very convenient and easy to use. Some of the uses of SMS banking are
1.Balance Inquiry
2.Statement Inquiry
3.Post-paid Bill Pay

Alert Banking:
This is a bank initiated service. This service is very convenient, useful & easy way to know the activity of the bank account. When an account is debited or credited more than a certain amount, an automatic alert is sent to the account holder’s mobile phone informing about the transaction’s time & amount. Similar alerts are sent for transaction in credit card account too. Moreover a message is sent to account holders’ mobile at the end of each month. The client can register for this service free of cost. Some of the services of alert banking are:

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Debit alert:
Debit alert – sent when the customer’s account is debited by more than a specific amount.

Credit alert:
Credit alert – sent when the customer’s account is credited by more than a specific amount.

Month end alert:
Month end alert – the account balance at the end of a month is sent to the customer. The balance is also sent at the end of each quarter, half year-end and year-end. In December 2012, more than two million customers of Dutch Bangla Bank were informed of their year-end balances at their mobile phones.

Credit card alert:
Credit card alert – sent to credit card holder on each of his/her credit card transactions. Thus, by knowing the credit card transaction alert in time, the customer can prevent any unauthorized or fraudulent activities in the card account

About Us :
Dutch-Bangla Bank started operation is Bangladesh’s first joint venture bank. The bank was an effort by local shareholders spearheaded by M Sahabuddin Ahmed (founder chairman) and the Dutch company FMO.

From the onset, the focus of the bank has been financing high-growth manufacturing industries in Bangladesh. The rationale being that the manufacturing sector exports Bangladeshi products worldwide. Thereby financing and concentrating on this sector allows Bangladesh to achieve the desired growth. Dutch Bangla Bank other focus is Corporate Social Responsiblity (CSR)

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