dhakabankltd.com Apply For Bank Locker Service Bangladesh : Dhaka Bank

Name of the Organization : Dhaka Bank
Type of Facility : Apply For Bank Locker Service
Country : Bangladesh

Website : http://dhakabankltd.com/locker-services/

Apply For Bank Locker Service :

You could use the locker facility of Dhaka Bank Limited and thus have the option of covering your valuables against any unfortunate incident.

Related : Dhaka Bank Bangladesh Apply For Shopno Jatra Student Service : www.statusin.org/6722.html

We offer security to our locker service as afforded to the Bank’s own property at a very competitive price.

We would be at your service from Saturday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Lockers are available at Gulshan, Banani, Dhanmondi, Uttra, Baridhara, Mohakhali, Mirpur, Khilgoan, Cox’s Bazar, CDA Avenue Chittagong, Moulvibazar, Dhanmondi Model, KDA Avenue Khulna, Anderkilla Chittagong, Madina Market Syllet, Narayangonj , Jatrabari Branch.

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Advantages / Key Benefits:
** Wide Availability.
** Lockers available in various sizes. i.e. Small, Medium and Large with varying rents.
** Lockers are rented out for a minimum period of one year. Rent is payable in advance.
** The rent may be conveniently paid from your deposit account with us.
** Direct debits for locker rentals from your account rid you of the hassles in writing out cheques.

An individual (not minor), firms, limited company, associations, clubs, trusts, societies, etc may hire a locker.

Nomination for Safe Deposit Locker:
** The Lockers and their contents can be nominated to people near and dear to you.
** Nomination facility is available to individual hirer of Safe Deposit Locker.
** In the case of a sole hirer of a safe deposit locker, nomination can be made in favour of only one individual.
** Where the safe deposit locker is hired in the name of a minor, the nomination shall be made by a person lawfully entitled to act on behalf of the minor.

Terms and Conditions:
For obtaining a Locker at DHAKABANK you must be an account holder with our Bank. Lockers can be allotted individually as well as jointly. The Locker holder is permitted to add or delete names from the list of persons who can operate the Locker and can have access to it. Loss of Key is to be immediately informed to the concerned Branch.

For Schedule of Rentals, please contact the branch nearest to you.

About Us :
The nation was just halfway of its age; the passion for history and heritage and an obsession for faster pace exerted a powerful force for change in the business world. Many budding hopes grew as a choice of the new generation in the shadows of banking reformation of the Nineties.

Dhaka Bank is such a dream that spread in profusion modern banking prospects with deep attachment to its community and culture. A host of visionary entrepreneur friends inspired by a futurist leader set forth the fight of this great corporate voyage that echoed the speed of technology on the inner soul of Bangladesh.

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