Mobile Banking Bangladesh : Islami Bank

Name of the Organization : Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd
Type of Facility : mCash Mobile Banking
Country : Bangladesh

Website :

mCash Mobile Banking:

Islami Bank mCash is the Mobile Banking of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited where the customers of any mobile company take the 24 hours of mobile banking services from anywhere of the country without going to any branches.

Related : Shahjalal Islami Bank Bangladesh Apply For Internet Banking :

Despite making significant improvements in all the areas relating to financial viability, profitability, innovation and competitiveness, there are concerns that banks have not been able to include vast segment of the population, especially the underprivileged sections and rural people into the fold of basic banking services.

On the other hand, rapid growth of mobile phone users and wider range of the coverage of Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) has made their delivery channel an important tool of the trade for extending banking services to the unbanked/banked population.

In order to ensure the access of unbanked people by taking advantage of countrywide mobile network coverage, Bangladesh Bank given the permission to start the mobile banking operation for adoption of the unbanked people who have mobile connection.

Taking the growth of Mobile banking into consideration, it can be the perfect platform for Bangladesh to take financial services to the country’s largely unbanked population in an efficient and low-cost manner.

** Unique system for all to take the Banking Services of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited based on Islamic Shari’ah.
** Profit will be given to the customer’s mobile account based on the Mudaraba Principles of Islamic Shari’ah.
** Available banking services in 24 hours in a day, 7 days in week and 365 days in a year.
** Banking services without any branch banking
** Able to banking from anywhere of the country
** Foreign Remittances will be deposited directly to the mobile account in a short time.
** A service for the unbanked people to take banking services.
** Most modern, updated and more secure banking.
** Creation of bank transactions almost for all types financial activities.
** Except the cash transactions, all transactions can be performed the by the customer himself.

Opening of mCash Account:

Where & how to register Islami Bank mCash account:
Islami Bank mCash Account can be registered from any branch of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, any agent approved by Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited and mobile network operators’ approved agent where Islami Bank mCash signboard will be appeared. Here account opening form will be found. Anyone can open the Islami Bank mCash account who has a mobile SIM of any mobile company will fill up the form and submit to the agent. To open an account, one needs the following:

1. 1 copy of passport size photograph.
2. Photocopy of National ID Card / Driving License / Passport

Agent / Officer will open an account based upon the information provided by the customer and the customer will receive an SMS which will confirm the opening of the account.

The mobile account number will be the combination of his mobile number with a check digit which will be placed at the last of his mobile number. So the mobile account number will be a combination of 12 digit number.

Than the customer call *259# and get the mCash Account Activation Confirmation menu and submit a four digit PIN number which will be used for each transaction and will not be disclose to anyone for security reason. At this stage, customer only can deposit money to his account but not able to withdraw and other transactions.

After the activation of his mobile account by the branch employee of IBBL, he will get a confirmation SMS. Now, he can enjoy all the services of Islami Bank mCash. Generally it is required 1-3 days to activate an account.

Uses of mCash PIN Number:
PIN will provide the first level of security to the customer and for each transaction his mobile phone and PIN number will be required. So, this PIN number is not shareable to anyone and must have to remember by the customer with higher preference.

Receive Foreign Remittance:
Now, it is not required to come at the branch premises to receive the foreign remittance. Now, anyone can send the foreign remittance directly to the mCash mobile account from the IBBL foreign liaison offices, approved agents and exchange houses. Within 24-72hours the fund will be credited directly to the mobile account and also get the confirmation SMS both the remitter and the beneficiary.

This money can be able to withdraw from any branch of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, any agent approved by Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited and mobile network operators’ approved agent where Islami Bank mCash signboard will be appeared.

Please provide your remitter the following information to remit the foreign remittance:
** Amount of Money
** Name of the beneficiary
** Account Number (mCash Mobile Account)
** Bank Name: Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited

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