Manage Your Tax & Entitlements Online With myIR New Zealand : Inland Revenue

Name of the Organization : Inland Revenue
Type of Facility : Manage Your Tax & Entitlements Online With myIR
Country : New Zealand

Website :

Entitlements Online With myIR :

Manage all your IRD matters online and spend time doing what you’d rather be doing.

Related / Similar Service : IRD Apply For Number New Zealand

Use myIR to…:
** Change your address or bank account details
** Check your child support
** Find your IRD number
** Work out your income tax filing options
** Check your Working for Families Tax Credits
** Get your student loan balance
** Register or submit your GST return
** Check out your KiwiSaver account

…and much more

Manage Your Tax & Entitlements Online With myIR:
To create a myIR account is a simple three step process:
** Confirm a myIR account is right for you.
** Create your account.
** Activate your myIR account.

Register Here :

To get started, find out which account is right for you:
A personal myIR account using your own IRD number:
Once you have completed your registration you need to activate your myIR account by phoning us on 0800 227 7700 (+64 4 890 2120), and entering your IRD number when prompted.

A myIR account for your own business, using your business’s IRD number:
Once you have completed your registration you need to activate your myIR account by phoning us on 0800 227 7700 (+64 4 890 2120), and entering your business’s IRD number when prompted.

Executive office holder (EOH) creating an account on behalf of your employer or organisation:
A myIR account for a Company, Trust or Partnership
A myIR account for a Club, Society or School

Related Post

An account on behalf of your employer:
As an employee you are not eligible to create a myIR account on behalf on your employer. Your employer can create an account themselves and then delegate authority for you to complete the regular tasks.

An account as a nominated person or spouse creating an account for the person you act on behalf of:
You cannot create a myIR account for another person, even if that other person has nominated you to act on their behalf or you are their spouse or partner. A nominated person or spouse/partner cannot access or maintain a myIR account on someone else’s behalf.

Already registered?:
Login now:

Once you have completed your registration you can log in to your myIR account and manage all your IRD matters online, including changing your address or bank account details, working out your income tax filing options and checking out your KiwiSaver account.

Tips for faster processing of returns :
** Making some simple checks before you file your clients’ returns will help us process their returns faster.
** Each quarter we’ll give you some specific things to check when filing returns during that time of year. Below these, we’ve outlined some common things to check all year round.

Tips for June to August :
Income tax :
** Individual tax return (IR3 filers)
** Donations – tax credits
** Trusts/estates income tax (IR6 filers)
** Partnerships and look-through companies (LTCs) (IR7 filers)

General information :
** Clients with restricted access
** Provisional tax
** Credit/payment transfers
** Filing

Common things to check when filing and/or paying :
** Payments
** Return reassessments
** IRD number applications for non-resident/offshore persons

Income adjustments for Working for Families Tax Credits (WfFTC) and student loan borrowers :
** If your client has a student loan or is eligible for WfFTC, you may need to notify us of adjustments to their income. This is so we can correctly assess your client’s student loan repayment obligation and/or make sure they receive their correct WfFTC entitlement.

** An Adjust your income (IR215) form doesn’t need to be filed if no adjustments are required.
** If you need to file an IR215, tick the box at key point 9A on the IR3 return and attach an IR215 form. If you tick the box and don’t attach an IR215, the return can’t be processed and we’ll send a letter asking for it.

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