New Zealand Inland Revenue Department IRD : Apply For Number

Name of the Organization : Inland Revenue
Type of Facility : Manage Your Tax & Entitlements Online With myIR
Name of the Organization : Inland Revenue
Type of Facility : Apply For IRD Number
Country : New Zealand

Website :

Apply For IRD Number :

Do I need an IRD number?:
You should apply for an IRD number if:
** you are earning an income
** you are starting a business

Related / Similar Service : IRD Check Your Balance New Zealand

** you are registering for Working for Families Tax Credits
** you are registering for a student loan
** your child has a part-time job
** you file tax returns
** you ask us about your tax
** you apply for child support.

It is not compulsory for every individual (eg baby, child) to have an IRD number, but if you or your children are earning income you have to pay tax. If you do not have an IRD number, tax will be deducted at a no-declaration rate, which is higher than the normal deduction rate. You can also apply for an IRD number for your child so a lower rate of withholding tax is deducted from interest earned on their bank balance.

You do not have to be a New Zealand citizen or resident to have an IRD number. You need to apply for one if you:
** are in New Zealand on a visa with work rights
** intend to work, and
** you do not already have an IRD number.

If you’re registering for Working for Families Tax Credits you need to supply an IRD number for you and your children. If you don’t provide us with IRD numbers for your children, your Working for Families Tax Credits payments will stop after the first eight weeks.

How to apply for an IRD number:
You can apply for an IRD number for yourself, your children or your organisation, using one of the following forms. We will send your IRD number within 8-10 working days of receiving your application.
** IR595 (individual) – adult and children
** IR596 (non-individual) – company, partnership, estate, trust, club, society, superannuation scheme and Maori authority

If you’re the parent of a new baby and you haven’t registered their birth yet, you can apply for your baby’s IRD number when you complete the birth registration form.

IR595 – Individual (adults and children):
Please print, complete and sign your IR595. You can also complete this form onscreen by typing onto the PDF document. Take the form with your identification documents to an Inland Revenue appointed verifier. Further details can be found on the form

Category A documents:

You must provide one original and one legible photocopy of one of the following documents:
** Full New Zealand birth certificate issued on or after 1 January 1998. Birth certificates issued after 1 January 1998 carry a unique identification number. If you hold a birth certificate issued before 1 January 1998, and wish to hold a birth certificate with a unique identification number, contact the Department of Internal Affairs
** New Zealand passport (please photocopy the pages showing photo, name and specimen signature)
** Overseas passport with New Zealand immigration visa / permit (please photocopy the pages showing photo, name, any pages showing current work, visitor permits, or residency documentation and a specimen signature) or call Inland Revenue on 0800 227 774 for exempt list
** New Zealand emergency travel document
** New Zealand firearm or dealer’s licence
** New Zealand refugee travel document
** New Zealand certificate of identity (issued by Department of Labour or Department of Internal Affairs)
** New Zealand citizenship certificate

Who you should give your IRD number to:
You should only provide it to:
** Inland Revenue
** your employer
** your bank or financial institution
** your KiwiSaver scheme provider
** Work and Income
** StudyLink
** your tax agent (accountant).

If other groups ask for your IRD number, ask them why they need it. If you are not sure that you should give them your number, call us for advice.

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Keep your number confidential and have it handy when you contact us.xt-decoration: underline;”>Country : New Zealand

Website :

Manage Your Tax & Entitlements Online With myIR :

Manage all your IRD matters online and spend time doing what you’d rather be doing.

Use myIR to…:
** Change your address or bank account details
** Check your child support
** Find your IRD number
** Work out your income tax filing options
** Check your Working for Families Tax Credits
** Get your student loan balance
** Register or submit your GST return
** Check out your KiwiSaver account

…and much more

Manage Your Tax & Entitlements Online With myIR:
To create a myIR account is a simple three step process:
** Confirm a myIR account is right for you.
** Create your account.
** Activate your myIR account.

Register Here :

To get started, find out which account is right for you:
A personal myIR account using your own IRD number:
Once you have completed your registration you need to activate your myIR account by phoning us on 0800 227 7700 (+64 4 890 2120), and entering your IRD number when prompted.

A myIR account for your own business, using your business’s IRD number:
Once you have completed your registration you need to activate your myIR account by phoning us on 0800 227 7700 (+64 4 890 2120), and entering your business’s IRD number when prompted.

Executive office holder (EOH) creating an account on behalf of your employer or organisation:
A myIR account for a Company, Trust or Partnership
A myIR account for a Club, Society or School

An account on behalf of your employer:
As an employee you are not eligible to create a myIR account on behalf on your employer. Your employer can create an account themselves and then delegate authority for you to complete the regular tasks.

An account as a nominated person or spouse creating an account for the person you act on behalf of:
You cannot create a myIR account for another person, even if that other person has nominated you to act on their behalf or you are their spouse or partner. A nominated person or spouse/partner cannot access or maintain a myIR account on someone else’s behalf.

Already registered?:
Login now:

Once you have completed your registration you can log in to your myIR account and manage all your IRD matters online, including changing your address or bank account details, working out your income tax filing options and checking out your KiwiSaver account.

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