New Zealand Work & Income : Apply For Superannuation

Name of the Organization : Work & Income
Type of Facility : Apply For NZ Superannuation
Country : New Zealand

Website :

Apply For New Zealand Superannuation:

You may be able to get New Zealand Superannuation payments if you’re aged 65 and older.

Related : New Zealand Work & Income Making a Complaint :

Who can get it:
You may be able to get New Zealand Superannuation if you:
** are aged 65 or over
** are a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
** normally live in New Zealand at the time you apply.

You must also have lived in New Zealand for at least 10 years since you turned 20. Five of those years must be since you turned 50.

However, people may qualify for New Zealand Superannuation with less than 10 years residence if they have migrated to New Zealand from countries with which New Zealand has a social security agreement.

This information is a guide only. Contact us to talk about your individual circumstances.

Apply Here :

SuperGold Card:
We’ll automatically send you a SuperGold Card when your New Zealand Superannuation is granted.

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The SuperGold Card is a free discounts and concessions card.

How much you can get:
How much you get depends on your current circumstances, such as:
** whether you are single, married or in a relationship
** your living situation if you are single (eg live alone, live with dependent children, share accommodation with others)
** whether your partner is included in your New Zealand Superannuation payments or not
** any overseas benefit or pension you may get.

Payments from accident insurance or Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) may affect your pension. If you get these payments you’ll need to talk to us.

Payment of New Zealand Superannuation is made directly to your bank account every two weeks.

Including your partner in your payments
If you have a partner we need to ask you about them as this affects the amount you’re paid, even if you’re not including them in your payments.

New Zealand Superannuation is not income tested. We’ll only ask about you and your partner’s income if:
** you want to include your partner in your payments and they don’t qualify for New Zealand Superannuation in their own right
** you apply for other assistance as part of your application for New Zealand Superannuation.

If you include your partner, any other income either of you earn could affect how much you get.

We can help you work out whether it is to your financial advantage to include your partner or not.

If your partner is included in your payments, you can earn up to $100 (before tax) a week between you, before your New Zealand Superannuation is affected. If you earn more than $100 (before tax) a week your payments are reduced by 70 cents for every dollar of income over $100 (before tax). © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map