justice.govt.nz : Pay Your Fine Online New Zealand

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Justice
Type of Facility : Pay Your Fine Online
Country : New Zealand

Website : http://www.justice.govt.nz/fines/fines/ways-to-pay-your-fine

Pay Your Fine Online :

There are several ways you can pay a fine to the Ministry of Justice. Click on a payment option below for more details:

Related : Ministry Of Justice New Zealand Check If You Have A Fine : www.statusin.org/6835.html

Note: If you are making part payments that will take longer than the 28 day imposed period to complete, this must be agreed with the Court first.

Pay online:
Pay using your credit, debit or prezzy card on our website.

Pay Here : https://www.paymentsonline.co.nz/OnlinePaymentServlet?cd_community=MOJNZ&cd_currency=NZD&cd_supplier_business=MOJNZ

Pay over the phone:
You can pay over the phone using your your credit or debit card.
** Call us on 0800 4 FINES (0800 434 637)
** From overseas: +64 4 915 8586
** From Australia: 1800 144 239 (toll free)

We accept Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard, Diners Club and Prezzy Card.

Internet banking:
Pay your fine by direct credit from your bank account.

When setting this up with your bank select ‘Ministry of Justice Fines’ as the payee.

If you are unable to locate Ministry of Justice as a Payee, then simply use the following account number.

Related Post

Account Name: Justice Fines account A/c
Bank – 03
Branch – 0049
Account -0001055
Suffix – 01

You may not see the reference field FINES on some banks payment page, this is because the reference FINES is hardcoded and will appear when the payment is made.
** ANZ
** ASB
** Kiwibank
** TSB Bank
** Westpac

BSB and Swift Code:
Some banks require our swift code as part of the transaction information, the code identifies our bank,country, location and branch code.

The swift code for the Ministry of Justice is: WPACNZ2W

Australian banks use BSB numbers to identify an accounts Bank, State and Branch, in New Zealand these are the first six digits of our full account number.

The BSB code for the Ministry of Justice (Fines payments only) is: 03 0049

Dispute a fine :
** In some situations you can dispute (challenge or disagree with) a fine. If you paid the infringement on time but it still came to court, you can also use this process to dispute a fine.

Work out what kind of fine you have :
** The process to dispute a fine is different for court-imposed fines and infringement fines.

How to dispute a court-imposed fine :
** You have 28 days from the day your fine was given in court to appeal it in writing. You can request forms for this from your local district court.

How to return an infringement fine to the issuing authority
** Once your infringement has reached us it is usually too late to dispute it. If there has been a mistake in how it was filed with us, there are some reasons (grounds) you can use to challenge the filing and have the fine sent back to the issuing authority.

The reasons are :
** your identity was mistaken
** you did not get the reminder notice
** you did not get a notice of hearing
** you asked for a hearing but did not get a response
** you did what the issuing authority asked and let them know that you had done it
** you had more time to ask for a hearing
** you asked for information that you were not given
** you paid on time
** another error in the process of the fine being sent to court.

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