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Name of the Organization : Auckland Transport
Type of Facility : Pay/ Query Your Fine Online
Country : New Zealand

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How To Pay/ Query Your Fine Online?

Query or pay parking fines and transit lane fines online. Estimated completion time: 5 minutes.

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Related / Similar Facility : Auckland Transport Tertiary Student Concession

Pay or query a fine :
** Query or pay parking fines and transit lane fines online. Estimated completion time: 5 minutes.

Enter details to pay your fine
1. Enter Your Notice Number *
2. Enter Your Vehicle Registration *
3. Click on submit button.

Payments for tickets issued within the last 24 hours:
Infringement details are normally transferred to our online services within 24 hours of issue. If your ticket has been issued within the last 24 hours, you may need to wait before you can pay via online services.

28 days to pay the infringement:
If you get a ticket, you have 28 days to pay the fine. If you don’t, you’ll receive a reminder notice. If no payment is received after a further 28 days, the overdue fine will be lodged with a debt-collection agency for recovery.

Fines that remain unpaid after recovery efforts will be lodged with the Ministry of Justice, who may take action and also impose a fee on top of the fine. Find out more about the infringement notice process.

Payment Methods

Online: Account2Account
Account2Account is a way to make a secure one-off payment from your bank account* directly to ours.

Enter infringement details and select pay, then follow the instructions to pay by using the Account2Account facility.

* Account2Account is currently only available for customers of these banks: ANZ, ASB, BNZ, KiwiBank, TSB, Westpac.

Online: Credit card
Enter infringement details and select pay, then follow the instructions to pay using credit card.

In person:
Postshop/Kiwibank branches, anywhere in New Zealand

BNZ Auckland Branches

At Central (Civic Building), Henderson, Manukau and Takapuna Service Centres.

Please note: Some of these locations may not accept payment if an overdue fine has been lodged with a debt-collection agency. Please check the agency correspondence for available payment methods.

By Post:
Post a cheque made payable to Auckland Transport to the address below. Clearly write the ticket number and vehicle registration number on the back of the cheque.

Auckland Transport Parking Infringements:
Private Bag 92265
Victoria St West
Auckland 1142.

Please do not post cash

Query This Fine

If you’d like your infringement notice reviewed, it can be done in the following ways:
** fill out the fields above to go through to the query your fine online form.
** download, print and complete the infringement query form (PDF 88KB) and send it to us
** write a letter and send it to us: Auckland Transport Parking Review, Private Bag 92260, Auckland 1142. Your letter should include a copy (not the original) of any supporting documentation you have, eg proof that your car has a current evidence of vehicle inspection. Please include all the following details: ticket number, vehicle registration number, your full name, date of birth, address and a contact telephone number.

Transfer liability:
To have your infringement notice transferred to another person (eg because they bought your vehicle before it was ticketed), download and print the PDF version of the infringement query form (PDF 88KB) along with the transfer liability form (PDF 64KB). Complete both forms and send them to us.

Please also enclose any documentation that will support the facts you are presenting, eg a copy of a NZTA transfer receipt, notice of person selling/disposing of motor vehicle form, a sale agreement.

Reminder notices:
If you have received a formal reminder notice from Auckland Transport to pay a ticket and the expiry date of the reminder notice has passed, contact us to see if the fine has been lodged at Court. If it has, then AT cannot accept payment. You will need to contact the District Court to make payment.

Infringement notice process:
The infringement notice process is set out in various statutes (Transport Act 1962 and the Summary Proceedings Act 1957). These detail the way in which infringement notices may be served, and the administrative process relating to that ticket.

Visit for more information on the fines process.

Review process:
Please allow 10 working days to receive notification from an infringement adjudicator, outlining the outcome of our review. If the final due date for payment falls prior to this 10-day period, please contact the AT Call Centre on 355-3553 to advise of the situation and the urgency required in dealing with your request. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you require any further information or have other urgent questions.

Add a Comment
  1. On 5/2/20 Wednesday notice number 9009908231 I admit I drove my vehicle due to this is a public service vehicle Uber to pick a customer or drop a rider we have to use bus line or taxi ranks or loading bays for a minute or so with hazards light on and quick as possible.If so AT should allocate speical marked place to do so .Its hard to do work when we get a ticket of this range $150. Not fare this is our days work .I cant pay this due to I work alone 2 kids going high school .my hamble request if this fine can be wipe off thanks.

  2. Infringement Notice Number is 9006104255. On the date my alleged infringement happened, I was driving down Khyber Pass. I was turning left into Broadway to head toward Parnell. I could not avoid the Bus lane, as there was a Tow Truck parked prior to the Bus lane and I needed to move to the right lane, and then there is a very short available lane to turn left, which I needed. I used the Bus lane as there was no where else to drive, unless I used the right hand lane and turned right, however I was turning left. I think this is totally unjustified. Please review this comment to clear my Infringement offense.

  3. To whom it may concern, An infringement notice for a stationary vehicle offense was issued on the 14/09/2018 at O/S 4. The vehicle in question was owned by a district health board worker who had parked the vehicle outside the place of work. It is my recommendation that the time limit for parking at that locality be raised to 120 minutes. In this way the staff of the ADHB can go about their business undisturbed.

  4. I want to pay my infringement. Can I make the payment using my credit card?

    1. Online: Credit card
      Enter infringement details and select pay, then follow the instructions to pay using credit card.

      Information as provided in the official website of Auckland Transport

  5. Raymond Hukarere Edwards

    To Whom this concerns.. Concerns regarding to a stationary vehicle offense
    Notice No: 3040259855, Registration: GQF 565,
    Type: Motor Vehicle,
    Make: Toyota

    On the day this Infringement Notice was issued the Registration was not displayed on the window because I was in the local Post shop Pukekohe Paper Plus store with the expired one and renewing a current one at 10:37am on the 1st day of July 2016 a new one was purchased my receipt no W981303067154, Teller ID works3 the ticket infringement was basically issued while I was in the store please consider my reason for not wishing to pay for this fine.

    1. Stephen Lionel Ball

      On the day this so called offense had taken place I had changed from the outside lane to the inside lane to turn down Exmouth st from new north road eden terrace the warden was at the start off the bus lane there were no buses in the lane at the time and I question position of the warden this makes it very hard to travel around Auckland as it quite evident its all about pubic transport and not the tradesman look forward to your response notice number 9003640598.

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