Transporting Goods Using Railway Goods Wagons Sri Lanka

Organisation : Sri Lanka Railways (Department of Railways)
Facility Name : Transporting Goods Using Railway Goods Wagons
Country : Sri Lanka
Website :

How To Transport Goods Using Railway Goods Wagons in Sri Lanka?

Request should be made before the wagon reservation. Any type of Goods other than the goods prohibited by the Railway Ordinance and other departmental circulars can be transported by Railway Wagons. Main Railway Station accepts goods to be transported by Trains.

Related / Similar Facility : Sri Lanka Railways Seasons Tickets Application

Application/Reservation method of the service:
Requesting application should be submitted to Sales and Marketing division at the Railway Headquarters, Colombo 10. (Tele: 0112421281) OR you can directly download the requesting application (Form 2.10) from the Department website. Applications can be submitted from 09.00 am to 04.00 pm of week days. Otherwise, reservation can be requested by sending a letter giving following details too. Name of the Applicant, Type of Goods, Starting and Terminating Stations, The Station where the Wagon is to be placed, Intended Dates etc. Consignment Note should be filled at the loading station.

Documents to be submitted:
** National Identity Card
** Transport Permits for Timber
** Purchase Bills for furniture

Procedure of the service:
1. Main Railway Station accepts goods to be transported by Trains on weekdays from 09.00 AM to 04.00 PM
2. Use the application form. Fill it and hand over to the particular Railway station with the goods. An receipt will be issued to the customer
3. Loading should be done by the customer
4. Transporting goods will be sealed at the station and customer can use their own locks
5. For collecting the Goods at the destination station, Submit the Receipt and the National Identity Card of the person who receiving the Goods to the Station Master

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Average time taken for obtaining the service :
Thirty Minutes

Officer responsible for extending the service:
Manager Sales & Marketing
Tele: 011-2421281
Fax: 011-2431909

Deviations of the service process:
Station Masters are empowered to reject any good, if they are suspicious about the type of goods or the person handing over the goods.

Approval and Reservation:
The department will review your request and inform you regarding approval and wagon reservation.

Charges and Payment:
You’ll be informed about the transportation charges based on weight and distance [Daily Mirror]. There’s a minimum weight requirement (around 35 tons) and minimum distance (around 100 km).

Loading and Transport:
** After approval, take your goods to the designated loading station.
** Fill out a Consignment Note at the station [Sri Lanka Railways].
** Station Masters have the authority to reject goods if suspicious about the type or source.

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