: Registration and Re-registration of Employees Sri Lanka

Organisation : Department of Labour
Facility Name : Registration and Re-registration of Employees
Country : Sri Lanka
Website :

How To Apply For EPF Employee Registration in Sri Lanka?

Sri Lanka Department of Labour Registration and Re-registration of Employees

Related / Similar Facility : Sri Lankan Labour Guarantee Certificate For Housing Loans

Public can apply for this on the following instances
** Establishment of a new institution
** Change of address of an existing institution
** Reregistration
** Change of name of an existing institution
** Change of owner of the institution

Method of submitting application:
Places where application form could be obtained:-
Head office, all the District offices or Labour sub offices & here

Payment for application. :
No charge

Time to submit application:
Application should, during the office hours of a working day, be handed over to District Labour Office or Labour Sub office in the District where the institution located.

Fees paying to obtain this service:
No service charge

Period taken to provide the Service (Ordinary Service and Priority Service):
01 day for registration at Head office, 07 days at other offices.

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Documents Required For EPF Employee Registration

** 02 originals of form “D” completed by employer
** In addition to form “D”, 02 originals of “D” annexure certified with official seal should be produced in case of number of employees in the institution is 10 or less than 10
** If the number of employees is more than 10, the list of employees including full name of employee, age, nature of employment, wage and date of appointment should be produced. (The person who certified form “D” should certify and affix the seal)
** A written statement containing reasons, should be produced by employer if the gap between the date of commencement or registration of the institution/ business and the date of registration in Employees’ Provident Fund is more than 02 years
** Form “D” or “D” annexures should be certified by the owner of the institution or a partner (if it is a joint venture).
** If another person sign, he should have power of Attorney and a copy of it should be produced. Other kinds of Authority granting letters will not be accepted in place of power of Attorney (Except in projects connected with government institutions)
** If employees in the institution received appointment according to transfers, a certification, by the Board of Directors of the institution should be obtained to the effect that the statutory payments of such employees are continuously preserved
** In registration of a company or business, the forms should be signed by a Director or partner whose name is not mentioned in “D” annexure (list of employees).
** Problem will not arise in this regard, in the event of names of all the directors or partners are mentioned in “D” annexure (list of employees)

In addition to these forms, if the institution/ business is:
A individual business (sole proprietorship),
** A photocopy of a Business Registration certificate
** A photocopy of the National Identity card of the owner of the institution or business
** A photocopy of the National Identity card will be adequate in case of an unregistered company.

A partnership business,
** A photocopy of Business Registration certificate
** Photocopies of National Identity cards of all the partners of the institution or business
** A Limited or private limited,
** A true copy of Business Registration certificate or certificate of incorporation
** A copy of the true copy of form 01,05 or form 20,40 which contain information on the board of directors of the institution or company certified by company registrar

A foreign company,
** A true copy of Business Registration certificate or certificate of incorporation
** A copy of the true copy of form 44, 45 and 46 certified by company registrar
** If the person who sign form “D” is not a Director/ Authorized officer mentioned in form 45 or 46, a copy of the document granting him/her “Power of Attorney”
** A true of the National Identity Card or passport of the person who holds the power of Attorney

Organizations connected to government institutions, authority or project,
** A copy of the document containing cabinet approval for the project
** A copy of the letter for relevant staff, issued by the department of Management services
** A copy of the appointment letter of the director and its Chairman of the project
** A copy of the letter of treasury approval
** A written request made by Director and Chairman of the project, to below mentioned address in order to register in Employees’ Provident Fund

Staff Officers in charge of the Service:

Designation Division Telephone    
Assistant Commissioner of Labour EPF Registration Branch 011-2 369190

Exceptions, instances not included above and special information:
Employees’ Provident Fund contributions should be made on behalf of all the employees from the date of recruitment. In the event of owners fail or default to make E.P.F. contributions for employees, they will be subject to a fine as mentioned below.

** From 01 day to 10 days – 5%
** From 10 days to 01 month – 15%
** From 01 month to 03 months – 20%
** From 03 months to 06 months – 30%
** From 06 months to 01 year – 40%
** More than 01 year – 50%

Download Application Form Here :

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