MoLHR Build Bhutan Project : Ministry of Labour & Human Resources

Organisation : Ministry of Labour and Human Resources (MoLHR)
Facility Name : Build Bhutan Project
Country : Bhutan
Website :

What is Build Bhutan Project?

The COVID-19 global pandemic has impacted on various sectors of the economy in the country. Various sectors are expected to lay off their employees due to negative economic impact and Bhutanese working abroad are also expected to return either due to contract expiry or layoff.

Related / Similar Facility : RMA Bhutan T-Bills System

Additionally, there are unemployed and registered job seekers with the MoLHR. On the other hand, the COVID-19 has created a huge employment gap in the construction sector. Therefore, as an immediate intervention to the rising concern, the Build Bhutan Project is being initiated and implemented by MoLHR over a period of two years to address unemployment and lay off by filling the gap in the construction sector.

However, the project also intends to address wider and long-term goals of the construction industry which are to:
1. Mobilize, create and manage a pool of skilled workforce,
2. Promote the sector as an attractive avenue for employment, and
3. Design/develop attractive incentives to attract and retain workforce in the sector.

The project will engage around 7000 individuals over a period of two years of which 2000 will be provided with skilling, reskilling and upskilling opportunities in construction trades leading to national certification. The individuals engaged under the program will be paid an engagement top-up and skilling stipend.

The project will also facilitate the formation of specialised groups in construction occupations and provide support such as tools and equipment, wage top-up, outsourcing work and also facilitate creation of conducive policy environment.

Who are eligible for Build Bhutan Project?

Eligibility Criteria For Skilling:
A Bhutanese citizen who has completed minimum of class VI and attained minimum of 18 years and who is either:

** Laid-off and/or on unpaid leave due to COVID-19 or,
** Overseas returnees or,
** Job seekers registered in MoLHR job portal

Eligibility Criteria For Engagement :
A Bhutanese citizen who has attained minimum of 18 years and who is either:
** Laid-off and/or on unpaid leave due to COVID-19 or
** Overseas returnees or,
** Registered job seekers with minimum of class VI

How To Apply For Build Bhutan Project?

Apply through an online platform

(or) by visiting the following places:
i. Project Management Unit at MoLHR, Thimphu
ii. Employment Service Centre at Department of Youth and Sports building (above swimming pool complex), Thimphu, and
iii. Regional offices of MoLHR in Phuentsholing, Gelephu, Samdrup Jongkhar and Trashigang.

Documents Required For Build Bhutan Project Application

** Evidence of qualification and skills level (certificates)
** Valid email address
** Mobile number and an alternate contact number
** Details of previous employer for laid off employees due to COVID-19
** Appointment letter/quarantine certificate for overseas returnees

Categories: Bhutan
Tags: moice.gov.bt
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