BCTA Driving Test Theory Sample Questions Bhutan

Organisation : Bhutan Construction and Transport Authority (BCTA)
Faility Name : Driving Test Theory Sample Questions
Country : Bhutan
Website : https://bcta.gov.bt/bctaweb/redirect.html?q=index

BCTA Driving Test Theory Sample Questions

General Instructions:
1. Read the Directions carefully
2. Answer all the questions within the given time.
3. Choose the right answer from multiple options given (Use tick ✔mark)

Related / Similar Facility : BCTA E-Zotin System Bhutan

1. What does the broken line (road marking) on roads indicate?
a. Overtaking not allowed
b. Overtaking permitted when safe
c. Overtaking safe
d. Maintain vehicle speed

2. What should the driver do when approaching a round about?
a. Slow down the speed to overtake other vehicle
b. Slow down the speed and give indicator where you want to go
c. Slow down the speed to see any pedestrian crossing
d. Slow down the speed to give right of way to heavy vehicle

3. When does a driver use low beam headlights?
a. While Driving in heavy traffic
b. While Driving in towns and behind the moving vehicle
c. While Driving on double lane road
d. While driving on single lane road

4. What is the purpose of left indicator?
a. To indicate turning left
b. To allow pedestrian to cross the road
c. To slow down the vehicle
d. To allow vehicle in front to pass

5. What is the function of coolant?
a. To maintain the vehicle speed
b. To maintain the engine temperature
c. To maintain the radiator temperature
d. To maintain the oil flow

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6. Un-even tyre wear is caused by:
a. Over speeding of vehicle
b. Over loading of vehicle
c. Mechanical parts affecting alignment and defective suspension
d. Overheating the tyre or using tyres under extreme cold temperature

7. You get dazzled by the lights of an oncoming car at night, do you?
a. Switch your main beams back on
b. Slow down, stop if necessary.
c. Put on your sunglasses

8.You may stop on a yellow box junction ( Free zone area)
a. Never
b. Only if turning right, your exit is clear and your way is blocked by oncoming traffic
c. If the car in front does

9. How can you judge you are driving at a safe distance behind the car in front? (On a dry road)?
a. Check your speedometer frequently
b. Use the 2 second rule
c. Keep 5 car length back

10. Approaching a roundabout, which vehicles have priority?
a. Vehicles already on the roundabout
b. Vehicles approaching from the left
c. Vehicles coming from the major road

Download BCTA Driving Test Theory Sample Question Paper

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How To Take BCTA Driving Test?

Application requirements for an ordinary driving license for those who have graduated out of a driving school or institute. “Driving Schools and Institutes” shall include Government and Corporate Training Institutes and other privately Licensed Driving Schools within the country.

An applicant for ordinary driving license who has graduated from a driving school must:
** book a test date online from RSTA website
** come in person for a practical driving test
** be 18 years of age or more at the time of applying for license
** hold a learner’s license for at least three months
** produce a Certificate to have attended the Institute or School
** have undergone both theoretical and practical tests and achieved the minimum pass score set in the ‘Evaluation Form for driving test’
** produce a copy of the latest passport size photograph
** produce Citizenship Identity Card or other accepted identification documents for Bhutanese Nationals, and passport or other identification cards in case of foreigners and
** pay fees as prescribed in Schedule 1.

Categories: Bhutan
Tags: bcta.gov.bt
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