Work & Income : School & Year Start-Up Payment 2015 New Zealand

Name of the Organization : Work & Income
Type of Facility : School & Year Start-Up Payment 2015
Country : New Zealand

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School & Year Start-Up Payment:

The School and Year Start-up Payment is available to people who are caring for someone else’s child and helps with the costs that mostly happen at the beginning of the year, in particular pre-school and school-related costs such as clothing, school fees and stationery.

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Who can get it:
You can get a School and Year Start-up Payment if you are receiving Unsupported Child’s Benefit or Orphan’s Benefit.

You can get the payment for every child that you receive these benefits for.

How much you get:
The amount paid is based on the age of the child at the end of February.

How to apply:
You can apply every year between mid-January and the end of February to receive the payment. For 2015, applications open on 12 January and close on 28 February. You can apply by filling out a simple application form online which is available from 12 January. If you need support to complete your application, we’ll be happy to help you at one of our service centres. You’ll be paid within 10 days.

If you have a good reason for not being able to apply during this time period, such as being in hospital, talk to us about your situation as we may still be able to make this payment to you.

Apply Online:

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Other payments:

Establishment Grant:
When you apply for the Unsupported Child’s Benefit or Orphan’s Benefit, you will automatically receive a one-off grant of $350 for each child. This is to help you with the costs when a child first comes into your care, such as a bed, bedding and clothing.

Extraordinary Care Fund:
If you get the Unsupported Child’s Benefit or Orphan’s Benefit you can also apply for additional financial assistance in special circumstances from the Extraordinary Care Fund. The fund is designed to assist with costs for children who are either experiencing difficulties that impact on their development or who are showing promise.

School and Year Start-up Payment Information:
How can I apply for the School and Year Start-up Payment?:
An online application for the School and Year Start Up Payment will be available on our website from 12 January 2015. If you need support to complete your application, we’ll be happy to help you at one of our service centres.

When can I apply for the School and Year Start-up Payment?:
You can apply between mid-January and the end of February every year. In 2015 the application period will be between 12 January and 28 February.

I’m caring for more than one child, can I get the School and Year Start-up Payment for each child?:

Yes, if you receive the Orphan’s Benefit or Unsupported Child’s Benefit for more than one child, you can get the payment for each of them.

Can I get the School and Year Start-up Payment every year?:
Yes, as long as you’re receiving the Orphan’s Benefit or Unsupported Child’s Benefit for the child, you can apply for this payment every year between mid-January and the end of February.

Do I need to show proof of my costs to get the School and Year Start-up Payment?:
No, you don’t need to show us any receipts or quotes to get the School and Year Start-up Payment. However, it is expected that the payment will go towards covering the child’s school-related costs, or costs arising at the start of the year.

Why is the School and Year Start-up Payment paid between mid-January and the end of February?:
We realise that a lot of costs associated with raising a child can come at the beginning of the year, such as pre-school or school-related costs like fees, clothing and stationery. This payment is to help take the pressure off carers at this time of the year.

What if I can’t apply between mid-January and the end of February for the School and Year Start-up Payment?:
If you have a good reason for not being able to apply between mid-January and the end of February, such as being in hospital, please talk to us as we may still be able to make this payment to you.

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