Community Development Scheme New Zealand : Department of Internal Affairs

Name of the Organization : Department of Internal Affairs
Name of the Scheme : Community Development Scheme
Country : New Zealand

Website :

Community Development Scheme :

The Community Development Scheme (CDS) supports community, hapu, iwi, Pacific and ethnic groups to work together, generate their own solutions to local issues, and work towards becoming more self-reliant and resilient.

Related : Department of Internal Affairs Community Organisation Grants Scheme COGS New Zealand :

CDS supports communities to work together in new ways, to be innovative and to determine their own development priorities to achieve sustainable community outcomes.

CDS funds communities to employ community development project workers who can facilitate the process of building community capacity and capabilities.

What we fund:
CDS supports new projects, which are additional to the organisations business as usual, by funding the employment of a CDS worker or workers and costs associated with the project.

CDS funds projects for a period of three years, after this time the project will either be completed or become an ongoing part of the organisation’s business as usual.

The projects proposed by requestor organisations must:
** be for a new community-driven and community-supported project;
** be able to identify how the project will contribute to long-term outcomes for the community/hapu/iwi;
** provide a specific plan for the initiatives and activities which will take place in the first year to achieve progress towards the long-term outcomes;
** employ a community development worker or workers; and
** demonstrate the relevance of the project proposal to the CDS outcome of strong, cohesive communities/hapu/iwi who manage their own self-determined and sustainable development.

Organisations requesting CDS funding must:
** be able to demonstrate their competence to host/manage a community/hapu/iwi development project over a period of three years;
** provide evidence of support within their community/hapu/iwi to undertake the project proposed;
** show they have a clear understanding that the fund is to support a specific community development project and not the organisations’ ongoing programmes, services or operations; and
** show they have policies and procedures relating to the recruitment and employment of staff. A sample employment contract must be provided by the requestor if it is available.

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Approved Expenditure items:
Allocations will be made as “global contributions”. This means organisations are able to spend the funding on any of the approved expenditure items listed below without having to provide prior breakdown of intended spending.

Requestors may apply for funding associated with the costs of the proposed community development project, including:
** Salary or wages for a community/hapu/iwi development worker/s; and
** Costs associated with employing a community/hapu/iwi development worker/s and implementing the community development project, including:
** ** recruitment of CDS worker/s, including advertising the position, assessment testing;
** ** ACC and Kiwisaver contributions associated with employing a worker/s;
** ** staff development, training costs;
** ** phone, internet, cell phone, and laptop costs;
** ** photocopying, stationery, postage and printing;
** ** supervision costs;
** ** mileage, vehicle lease, parking;
** ** office space and equipment rental;
** ** volunteer recruitment and training;
** ** promotion and advertising associated with the project; or
** ** activity and community engagement costs.

What we don’t fund:
CDS does not fund projects that:
** do not employ a community/hapu/iwi development project worker;
** fund capital costs and major fixed assets;
** fund ongoing projects, programmes or services that are the ‘business as usual’ of the organisation; or
** provide for ongoing operational costs of the requestor organisations not related to the project.

Funding priorities:

PPriority for funding is given to projects which enable communities/hapu/iwi to:
** seek appropriate solutions together;
** provide people with a sense of belonging and purpose, shared vision and common values;
** have capable and enterprising leadership;
** have proactive, inclusive organisations;
** be resilient and resourceful; and
** manage their own self-determined, sustainable development.

Who can request funding:
Grant requests are accepted from established community organisations that
** are GST registered and able to provide audited accounts for the previous two years;
** have legal entity status;
** have appropriate governance and management structures and processes in place;
** have employment policies and practices ; and
** have the capability to achieve the proposed project outcomes.

How much to request:
CDS offers funding for projects for three years, totalling up to $240,000 (excl. GST). Each year will be supported by funding of up to $80,000 (excl. GST).

Groups may apply for funding of any amount up to $80,000 (excl. GST) per year.

Payments will be made yearly and subsequent payments are dependent on the completion of the reporting requirements as agreed to in the agreements.

Further information on applying for CDS will be available on this website in January. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map