LMRA Parallel Bahrainization System Bahrain : Labour Market Regulatory Authority

Organisation : Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA)
Facility Name : Parallel Bahrainization System
Country : Bahrain
Website : https://www.lmra.gov.bh/en/faq/category/5

What is Parallel Bahrainization System?

It is a system designed to benefit companies requiring additional work permits for non-Bahrainis but have not reached the required Bahranization ratio qualifying them to obtain permits for non-Bahrainis. This can be done via paying an additional amount, over the issuance fee per permit out of the specified Bahrainization ratio.

Related / Similar Facility : LMRA Remote Virtual Inspection Service (RVI) Bahrain

How To Use LMRA Parallel Bahrainization System?

LMRA’s clients can apply online through accessing LMRA’s Electronic system, where you can find a complete set of explanatory materials in order to guide the user on how to use the system. Businessowners and investors may also apply through the client service offices at the LMRA’s Headquarters. The Mina Salman branch will be serving clearance offices, as clients may also contact LMRA’s Call Centre for any further inquiries.

FAQ On LMRA Parallel Bahrainization System

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On LMRA Parallel Bahrainization System

Is it necessary to use the Parallel Bahranization System as a condition for work permits intended for expatriate employees?
No. It is not necessary to use the Parallel Bahranization System, where you can hire Bahraini nationals and comply with the required Bahranization ratio.

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Are there any special requirements or additional documents for the use of the Parallel Bahrainization System?
There are no special requirements or additional documents, but the same requirements that are applied for issuance of the normal permit.

Does the Parallel Bahranization system allow any unspecified number for work permits to be obtained and issued for expatriate employees?
The number of permits for each facility shall be linked to its activity and the size of its work.

How can the renewal of work permits be issued by the Parallel Bahranization System?
The Council of Ministers’ decision to issue the parallel system of Bahranization states that this system shall be applied to the renewals generally after a year of its application to the new issuance category.

The LMRA system verifies if the establishment meets the required level of Bahranization ratio, if so it shall allow the client to renew the application with the usual fees and the additional fees will be applied at time of renewal for any establishment exceeding the Bahranization ratio.

Are there specific occupations that are limited to the issuance of work permits through the Parallel Bahrainization System?
There are no specific occupations.

What is the payment mechanism of work permits issued by the Parallel Bahranization System?
They are the same in terms of mechanism compared to the current setup being followed to pay for the issuance of work permits, including payments electronically through the electronic system of LMRA, or direct payment in any of the branches of the Ahli United Bank, Al-Salam Bank or Al-Hilal Islamic Banking Services.

Categories: Bahrain
Tags: lmra.gov.bh
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