LMRA Remote Virtual Inspection Service (RVI) Bahrain

Organisation : Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA)
Facility Name : Remote Virtual Inspection Service (RVI)
Country : Bahrain
Website : https://www.lmra.gov.bh/en/page/show/511

What is LMRA Remote Virtual Inspection Service?

The Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) launched the Remote Virtual Inspection Service (RVI) to remove administrative offences monitored by the Inspection Team via Zoom application. The project aims to quickly remove administrative offences and reduce the waiting period for field inspection visits at the request of the employer to remove administrative offences.

Related / Similar Facility : LMRA Parallel Bahrainization System Bahrain

The service comes in line with the digital transformation program of government services, which involves re-engineering workflow procedures to benefit from technological developments to save time and effort for clients.

Service Requirements of Remote Virtual Inspection Service

** Smart device with camera.
** Stable internet service.
** Zoom application.

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How To Access Remote Virtual Inspection Service?

** Submit a violation removal request via eSupport function on the Expat Management System (EMS).
** LMRA shall contact the employer to schedule an appointment.
** Link will be sent to employer via email.
** Open the link on the agreed time/date to begin the service.

FAQ On Labour Registration Program

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Labour Registration Program

1. How can I obtain a license to become a Labour Registration Centre?
Applying through the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Commercial licenses system “Sijilat” If the applicant fulfills the licensing conditions, the approval will be issued by the Labour Market Regulatory Authority’s Licensing Directorate.

2. What are the accreditation conditions for Labour Registration Centres?
** The applicant must have a valid Commercial Registration Certificate (CR).
** The applicant must not be in breach of the provisions of Law No. (19) of 2006 regarding the organization of the labour market and the regulations and decisions issued for its implementation.
** The applicant must prepare a suitable venue (subject to LMRA’s approval) to receive applicants wishing to obtain a permit to practice professional activities.
** The applicant must submit a certificate of good conduct.

3. What are the duties of the Labour Registration Centres?
** Registering workers wishing to obtain a permit to practice professional activities and referring their applications to the LMRA, after verifying that they hold the required qualifications.
** Entering and updating workers’ data on the designated electronic system specified by the LMRA.
** The data includes the worker’s name, nationality, address, personal number, passport number, bank account information, contact numbers, activities authorized to engage in, and any information requested by the LMRA.
** Providing the LMRA with statements and reports about the registered workers at the centre, after verifying the validity of their data, upon request.
** Determining the number of workers in the centre who will carry out the task of registration in proportion to the number of workers registered with the centre, provided that LMRA may ask for this number to be increased.
** Registration should be at the address of the centre indicated in the CR.
** Commitment to Bahrainization percentage in employment, in accordance with applicable legislations and regulations.
** Enabling LMRA inspectors to review all registered workers data.
** Immediately notifying the LMRA of any change or update that occurs including, CR activity updates and declaration of bankruptcy.
** Notifying the LMRA of any violations committed by the registered workers once the centre is made aware of them.
** Commitment to all instructions issued by the LMRA.
** Refraining from charging any amount or obtaining any benefit or privilege for any of the services provided by the centre in accordance with Board of Directors Resolution No. (1) of 2022 for workers.
** Allowing the registered worker to transfer to another centre upon their request.

Categories: Bahrain
Tags: lmra.gov.bh
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