IGA Issuance ID Card Service Bahrain : Information & eGovernment Authority

Organisation : Information & eGovernment Authority (IGA)
Facility Name : Issuing ID Card Service
Country : Bahrain
Website : https://www.iga.gov.bh/en/category/issuing-id-card-service

How To Apply For New ID Card in Bahrain?

To apply for New ID Card in Bahrain, Follow the below steps

Related / Similar Facility : IGA Issuance of Birth Certificate Bahrain

Issuing an ID Card for Children under the Age of 10

This service is provided by the Information & eGovernment Authority to Individuals requesting to issue Identity Cards for children under the age of ten years old.

Application : Online, Personal
Fees : BD 2 for Bahrainis and BD 10 for Non-Bahrainis
Estimated time : 2 working days to receive the card
Prerequisite : Issue Passport

Issuing A New ID Card For Bahrainis Service

This service is provided by the Information & eGovernment Authority to Bahraini individuals to issue a new ID card.

Application : Personal
Fees : 2 Dinars
Estimated time : 1-hour personal attendance

** Book an appointment online
** A valid Passport

Identity Card Renewal Request For Bahrainis

This service is provided by the Information & eGovernment Authority to Individuals requesting to issue a new Identity Card, or those who are aged 10 years and above.

Application : Online, Personal
Fees: 2 Dinars

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Estimated time:
** 2 working days online
** 1-hour personal attendance

** The identity card should be expired or valid for one month.
** Have a valid Bahraini passport.
** In Case of travel, the parent can apply to renew the Identity Card.
** In Case a general clearance individual or an acquaintance, an authorization letter is required from the applicant with the original valid passport of the applicant.

Replacement of Lost/ Damaged ID Card For Bahrainis

This service is provided by the Information & eGovernment Authority to Individuals Bahraini’s and Non-Bahraini’s requesting Replacing Lost or Damaged Identity Card.

Application : Online, Personal
Fees : 4 Dinars
Estimated time : 2 working days online, 1-hour personal attendance

** A Valid ID card (Not Expired).
** A Valid Bahraini Passport (Not Expired).
** In Case of travel, a parent can a come and apply to request Replace Lost or Damaged Identity Card.
** In Case a general clearance agent or a related individual is applying, a letter of authorization by the applicant should be presented along with a valid passport.

Booking Appointments For ID Cards Services

This service is provided by the Information & eGovernment Authority to Book an appointment to Issue, renew or replace lost or damaged Identity Card and enquire about booked appointment or cancel it.

Application : Online
Estimated time : One Business day

Replacement of Lost Id Card For Domestic Workers Service

This service is provided by the Information & eGovernment Authority to Individuals to issue, renew, replace a lost or damaged Identity Card for domestic workers.

Application : Online
Fees : 10 Dinars
Estimated Time : 10 Minutes for application, 3 Working Days to receive the card

Prerequisite :
** Has an Identity number.
** Individuals are doemstic workers.
** A valid stay as in Nationality, Passports and Residence Affairs system.

Categories: Bahrain
Tags: iga.gov.bh
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