MOIC Industrial Land Application Bahrain : Ministry of Industry & Commerce

Organisation : Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC)
Facility Name : Industrial Land Application
Country : Bahrain
Website : https://service.moic.gov.bh/iad

How To Apply For Industrial Land in Bahrain?

Follow the below steps to apply for Industrial Land in Bahrain

Related / Similar Facility : MOIC SMEs Registration System Bahrain

** Completed application form
** Applicant ID card & passport (copy)
** Provide a detailed business plan including preliminary site development plan
** For existing Industrial Projects provide a copy of the commercial registration and pictures of the facility and products
** Audited accounts for the last 3 years (External audit)
** Evidence of finance

Industrial Area’s Services

These services, provided by the Ministry of Industry and commerce to the tenants of Industrial Area’s and it allows local and foreign investors to apply for leasing an industrial land. For more information please see the home page of the service.

Industrial Land Application:
** The commercial registration should have at least one industrial activity in order to proceed with the application.
** The applicant himself should be authorized and registered on Sijilat as one of the authorized signatures, shareholders, directors, etc.

Application Follow Up:
** You can see your application status on the table of your applications.
** Click on the name to view the application details page.

This page shows the initial requirements for the application to be considered valid.

Allowed Activities:
Your commercial registration should have one of the listed activities to proceed.

Services Require eKey

Industrial Land Application:
To submit/follow up an application for leasing an industrial plot.

Industrial Areas Services:
To submit/follow up an application for related to leased plot.

Related Post

Apply For Mazad:
Apply to participate in the Auction

To submit your plot insurance

Security/Operators Registration:
To register security guards / operators living in the facility

FAQ On Industrial Land

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Industrial Land

How long will it take for Industrial Areas Directorate to reply to the applicant?
​​The application will take 11 working days. (If the application is complete and covering all criteria required)​

What are the activities classification/ Rate?
** Industrial Activities 1 BD/m2/year
** Industrial Activities on sea-shore 1.5 BD/m2/year
** Logistics Activities 4 BD/m2/year
** Logistics Activities on sea-shore 6 BD/m2/year
** Commercial Activities 9 BD/m2/year

What is the duration of the lease agreements?
** ​25 years if industrial
** 15 years if logistic or commercial

What are the services provided by the Industrial Areas Directorate?
** Evaluate the Industrial Land Applications.
** Preparing and singing the Industrial Plot Lease Agreements.
** Reviewing Industrial plots tenants’ requests which include adding/removing activities, additional area, removing violations, labor accommodation requests, lease renewals, and any other application.
** Administering the Industrial Areas and supervising the tenants
** Processing survey certificate requests and Issuing Industrial plot survey certificate.
** Approving plans and designs of the Manufacturing facilities and issuing No Objections to obtain a building permit.

Provide Technical Support:
** Technical support in the allocation period (prior to singing the lease agreement)
** Engineering support in the construction phase
** Support during the lease period
** Planning, maintaining, and managing all industrial areas, and developing the infrastructure and superstructure in the Industrial areas.

What are the Incentives in the industrial areas?
** 100 % Foreign ownership for Industrial Activities
** Favorable Tax Environment ( Bahrain offers 0% corporate income tax or personal income tax.(​
** Duty free trade agreements across middle east markets
** Free trade agreement with the USA
** Duty free imports of raw material and equipment’s
** Industrial land at competitive rental rates


Industrial Area’s Services
Address: Bahrain Financial Harbour – Manama
Telephone: +973 17353001 – +973 17353006
Fax Number: +973 17675750
WhatsApp: 17353003
P.O.Box: 54661
Email: iad [AT] moic.gov.bh

Categories: Bahrain
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