MOIC Trademark Application Online : Ministry of Industry & Commerce

Organisation : Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC)
Facility Name : Apply For Trademark
Country : Bahrain
Website : https://www.moic.gov.bh/en/node/2705

What is Trademark?

A trademark is a sign which distinguishes the goods and services of one trader from those of others. A trademark sign includes, for example, words, logos, pictures, or a combination of these.

How To Apply For Trademark in Bahrain?

This site facilitates the electronic filing of trademark applications and allows changes to be made to the registered marks, such as changing the owner and the representative or transferring ownership. A grievance can also be lodged against the refusal to register a mark or objection to its registration, along with various other services.​

** Click on “Trademark Services”.
** Choose application for registration of national mark.
** Choose the mark type that you want to register with reading all the instructions, then click on “start”.
** On the following pages, you must enter all the data related to the mark and then approving it by clicking on “Save and Continue”.
** You will be taken to the preview and payment page to confirm all data entered, and to choose the payment method and at the end receive the application receipt with the application reference number.
** If there any inquiry or difficulty regarding the submission of the application on the Internet please contact through the e-mail: Ip_support@moic.gov.bh​

FAQ On Trademark

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Trademark

What rights do registered trademarks provide?
​​​You have the right to use a registered trademark in relation to the goods or services for which it is registered. You also have the right to take legal action against anyone who uses the same or a similar trademark on the same or similar goods or services.

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How long does a registered trade mark stay in force?
The trademark is registered for ten years and can then be renewed every ten years.

How to apply for a trademark registration ?
Apply directly through “Industrial Property e-Services” website for citizens or residents of the Kingdom of Bahrain, who have a commercial or industrial facility in the Kingdom of Bahrain.  Applying through law firms or accredited legal Agents specialties in the field of industrial property in Kingdom of Bahrain, and that of the citizens or residents in the Kingdom of Bahrain who have a business or industry in the Kingdom of Bahrain, or both has the facility commercial or industrial in the member countries of the Paris Union or countries in which citizens enjoy national treatment under bilateral agreements or international force in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Must a trademark be in use before it is registered?
​​You can register trademarks which are not yet in use as well as trademarks which are already in use.

Who has the right to apply for registration of a trademark in the Kingdom of Bahrain?
Anyone who has a business or industry in the Kingdom of Bahrain or any of the member countries of the Paris Union or countries in which citizens enjoy national treatment under bilateral agreements or international force in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Where should we apply for a trademark in the Kingdom of Bahrain?
​An application for registration of a trademark can be applied through “Industrial Property e-Services” website


Foreign Trade & Industrial Property Directorate​​
Address: Bahrain Financial Harbour – Manama
Telephone: (+973) 17574838 / (+973) 17574769 / (+973) 17574835
Email: IPOnline [AT] moic.gov.bh

Categories: Bahrain
Tags: moic.gov.bh
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