MOSD NGO’s Support Services Bahrain

Organisation : Ministry of Social Development (MOSD)
Facility Name : NGO’s Support Services
Country : Bahrain
Website : https://www.social.gov.bh/mlsd_center/ngos_centers

What is MOSD NGO’s Support Services?

The Kingdom of Bahrain has shown uniqueness in its social work policy with respect to the implementation of a set of world recommendations and directives adopted and supported by NGOs in the Kingdom. This stems from the belief of the growing role that can be played by the different social stakeholders in developing communities and their needs so as to find a place for them in the march of development.

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Consequently, the Ministry of Social Development (MOSD) took many encouraging steps to double the impact of NGOs through increasing coordination among them and provide them with facilities options to execute their activities in a way that contributes to achieving their objectives. Besides, the Ministry is very keen to engage the NGOs and voluntary institutions in all seminars, conferences and workshops organized by the Ministry and which contribute undoubtedly to developing the abilities of members in these NGOs and institutions.

FAQ On MOSD NGO’s Support Services

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Non-Government Organizations Support Directorate

Q: Is the National Center for NGO Support affiliated to the NGO Administration?
Yes, one of the departments of the NGO Support Department.

Q: What does the center provides?
The National Center for Supporting NGOs was established in 2006 to be a link between the administration and NGOs.

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The center provides technical services to support and rehabilitate NGOs through:
** Free training courses.
** Providing technical advice to boards of directors.
** Providing free halls for all (legitimate) civil organizations so that organizations can easily hold their activities and meetings.
** Institutional evaluation, where the center team evaluates legitimate associations based on international standards, and the results of the evaluation are sent to the association, which includes strengths and weaknesses in the association.

Q: What are the institutional evaluation criteria?
** One year has passed since the association was declared.
** The Board of Directors must be legitimate.
** The board of directors should be free from legal disputes.
** In the event that the association applies for a financial grant program In the event that a long period has passed since the date of the first institutional evaluation (more than 4 years).

Q: How can the institutional evaluation score be raised?
** It is proven that the association has implemented the technical plan presented in the initial evaluation, and the institutional evaluation cannot be changed without documents.
** Documents prepared immediately or simply to raise the evaluation score are not approved The submitted documents must be certified by the General Assembly.

Q: When does the application for the financial scholarship program open?
The application for the financial scholarship program will be announced if the last scholarship, which is the 2019 scholarship, has been distributed.

Q: What are the criteria for applying for the financial scholarship program?
** One year has passed since the association was declared.
** The Board of Directors must be legitimate.
** The objectives of the project should be identical to the objectives of the association.
** To be subject to institutional evaluation and to be a recent institutional evaluation
** It must be a development project, and construction projects or any other projects are not financed.

Q: How can we reserve the hall?
** The association fills out a form for booking the hall.
** The application must be submitted at least ten days prior to the event.
** A letter should be attached containing the name of the event, the most important axes, and the name of the records, and it should be signed by the president of the association
** Attach a copy of the CPR of the head or the person responsible for booking the hall.

Q: How can I register for the center’s courses?
In the event that there is a training course, it will be circulated to all associations and a nomination form will be sent.

MOSD NGO’s Support Contact

Call : 17102339
Email : ngo.dataentry01 [AT] social.gov.bh

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