MOSD Disability Allowance Service Bahrain :

Organisation : Ministry of Social Development (MOSD)
Facility Name : Disability Allowance Service
Country : Bahrain
Website :

How To Apply For MOSD Disability Allowance Service?

MOSD Disability Allowance is be paid to the beneficiaries, regarding criteria for eligible persons with special needs, disabilities are classified as follows

Related / Similar Facility : MOSD Two Hours Request For Disabled Day Care Bahrain

1. Physical disability
2. Mental disability
3. Visual disability
4. Hearing disability
5. Autism
6. Cerebral Palsy
7. Multiple disabilities

Registration is applicable through submitting a request to the registration and social services at all social centres within governorates of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

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Conditions of MOSD Disability Allowance Service

** The applicant must be Bahraini citizen or (NON BAHRAININ CHILD OF A BAHRAINI FEMALE CITIZEN) resident on the kingdom of Bahrain.
** The applicant must be a permanent resident.
** The applicant must be disabled for life and a certification of disability from disability assessment committee must be provided.

Documents Required For MOSD Disability Allowance Service

** Fill out the social service application form.
** Valid identity card copy for the disabled applicant’s.
** Attach original medical report accredited by a government hospital showing the type of disability.
** Non- Bahraini birth certificate (children of Bahraini citizenship).
** The applicant’s original bank statement, including the international bank account number.

The applications are judged by the competent committee to evaluate the disability, according to criteria and Conditions. The designated amount is transferred to the beneficiary’s account, by the 15th of each month, at all local banks.

Definition of Disability:
The definition of disability adopted in Law No. 74 of 2006 is as follows:
** A person who suffers from a lack of some of his physical, sensory, or mental abilities as a result of illness, accident, or a congenital cause or a genetic factor that caused total or partial disability, inability to continue at the work or to be promoted, as well as downgrading capabilities to perform another basic duty in life, thus, such person weakened his ability to perform one of the other basic functions in life.” needs care and rehabilitation in order for integration or reintegration into society.
** A definition of a person with a disability was also mentioned in the international agreement which the Kingdom of Bahrain ratified in 2011 according to Law No. 22 of 2011, which states the following:
** Persons with disabilities, all those with long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments may prevent them when dealing with various barriers from participating fully and effectively in society on an equal basis with others.

Advantages Provided to Citizens with Disabilities in Bahrain:
** Providing all kinds of care and rehabilitation, including treatment, education and rehabilitation, free of charge.
** Paying financial rewards to persons with disabilities.
** Providing prosthetic devices and hearing aids according to specific requirements and controls.
** Granting special privileges to holders of a dual identity card with a disability ID.
** Get a free driving training service for people with disabilities.
** Obtaining the two hours of rest service for a person with disabilities who works or who takes care of a person with disabilities.
** Providing assessment and diagnostic services, issuing an approved medical report, and an individualized treatment plan.
** Providing physical and occupational therapy services, and speech and language therapy.

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