Dogana Customs NIPT Registration Albania

Organisation : General Directorate of Customs (Dogana Customs)
Facility Name : NIPT Registration
Country : Albania
Website :

How To Register For NIPT in Albania?

In order to carry out all the necessary Customs Procedures, each company shall first register the NIPT number in “Asycuda World” System.

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For the NIPT registration, each company must submit the following documents:
In cases when NIPT is issued by the National Registration Center (QKR):
** a copy of the Certificate as a Taxable Person;
** a copy of registration extract in QKR.

The Company Administrator can send the above documents for NIPT registration and by email to the addresses borxhi [AT]

In cases when NIPT is issued by General Directorate of Taxation:
** Original Certificate or a notarized copy of the Taxable Person.

Necessary Documentation For Declaration

Import and export documents in accordance with Article 150 of the Customs Code

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On Import:
** Customs declaration
** Invoice
** Transport document
** Packing list
** as well as any other necessary document, if the application of a preferential tariff regime is required, or any other measure for which the normative rules applicable to the declared goods are not applied, as well as the necessary documents for the implementation of the provisions governing the placing on the market of free of declared goods.

On Export of Goods:
** Customs declaration
** Invoice
** Transport document
** as well as any other necessary document for the implementation of trade policy measures and other laws governing the export of goods

Customs Declaration

Customs declaration is the presentation of goods entering or leaving the territory of the Republic of Albania to the customs authorities to carry out the procedures. Goods which arrive at the customs office or other place designated or approved by the customs authorities shall be presented to customs by the person who brought the goods into the customs territory of the Republic of Albania or, if appropriate, by the person who assumes responsibility for carriage of the goods following such entry:

** when transported by sea within two hours from the arrival, and
** when transported otherwise than by sea within one hour from the arrival.

Goods may, once they have been presented to customs, and with the permission of the customs authorities, be examined or samples may be taken, in order that they may be assigned a customs-approved treatment or use. Such permission shall be granted, on request in writing, to the person authorized to assign the goods such treatment or use.

Customs representation:
Any person may appoint a representative in his dealings with the customs authorities to perform the acts and formalities laid down by customs rule.

Such representation may be:
** Direct, in which case the representative shall act in the name of and on behalf of another person, or.
** Indirect, in which case the representative shall act in his own name but on behalf of another person.

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