IRD Anguilla Liquor Licence : Inland Revenue

Organisation : Inland Revenue Department (IRD)
Facility Name : Liquor Licence
Country : Anguilla
Website : https://ird.gov.ai/Services/Tax/liquor-licence

What is Liquor Licence?

A Liquor Licence grants permission for a business owner to sell liquor either wholesale or by retail. No persons shall sell or keep for the purpose of selling any liquor unless they have first obtained a liquor licence to do so.

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How To Apply For Liquor Licence in Anguilla?

** A Liquor Licence grants permission for a business owner to sell liquor either wholesale or by retail. No persons shall sell or keep for the purpose of selling any liquor unless they have first obtained a liquor licence to do so.
** Any business owner wishing to obtain a Liquor Licence should apply to the magistrate to do so. Special Magistrate court for new and renewal Liquor Licences are held on the 2nd day of the first month of each quarter, e.g. 2nd January, 2nd April, 2nd July and 2nd October of every year, unless those dates fall on a weekend or Public Holiday. In those instances, the court sitting is held on the weekday immediately following that date.
** First time applicants are required to make an application to the court not less than 21 days before the hearing, publish the application notice in the public newspaper two (2) weeks prior to the court hearing, providing a copy of application.
** Once Liquor Licence has been approved by the magistrate, the business owner is then required to take the approved application to the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) for payment.
** Upon receipt of payment, IRD issues a Liquor License certificate, which the business owner is required to display in the place of business. All Liquor Licences are valid until December 31st of the year received.

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For First Time Liquor Licence Applicants
You are required to:
** Make an application to the court not less than 21 days before the hearing.
** Complete the application form in triplicate – one for the applicant, one for the Court and the other for the Commissioner of Police.
** Publish the application notice in the public newspaper two weeks prior to the court hearing, providing a copy of your application.
** Affix and maintain the application notice to the door of the intended premises for the Liquor licence between the hours of 10 am and 5pm for two (2) consecutive Sundays prior to the court hearing.
** Attend court on the day appointed for the special sitting.
** If the licence is granted, a certificate is issued at the court detailing the particulars of the licence.

Renewal of Liquor Licence:
** A licensed person who applies for a renewal of their Liquor Licence should, not less than 21 days before the special Magistrate’s court, submit their renewal application form to the court. The applicant is not required to attend the court in person unless they are required by the Magistrate to do so.
** Please be advised that if you fail to submit the application prior to the next court sitting, you will be required to pay a Temporary Liqour Licence fee of EC$25.00 per day at the Inland Revenue Department.

FAQ On Liquor Licence

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Liquor Licence

Can a Liquor Licence be paid quarterly?
Unfortunately, liquor licences cannot be paid on a quarterly basis.

What is the alternative for Business owners who miss the Liquor Licence Court?
Any business owner who misses the liquor licence court will be required to pay a fee of EC$25.00 per day of operation until the next Liquor Licence Court sitting which take place once every quarter.

Categories: Anguilla
Tags: ird.gov.ai
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